Darrell Lea’s chocolate block vary grows

Darrell Lea has unveiled two new chocolate blocks, White Chocolate Cookies & Cream and

Dark Chocolate Rum & Raisin.

White Chocolate Cookies & Cream is made with “smooth and silky” Darrell Lea white chocolate, wrapped with “fluffy” marshmallows and chocolate cookie pieces.

Dark Chocolate Rum & Raisin, on the other hand, is made with Darrell Lea’s 47% cocoa dark chocolate, offering a “well-rounded boldness” to the block, alongside a “tinkle” of “juicy” rum-infused raisins.

“We love creating flavours that Aussies love,” says Darrell Lea

Manager of Marketing Johanna Campbell. “Rum and raisin and cookies and cream are two classic flavours that we know many simply can’t say no to.

“Our block family is certainly growing, and our goal is to continue helping generations of Aussies create memories and shareable experiences.”

Darrell Lea’s new additions (170g) are now available nationwide from selected independent supermarkets, Woolworths and Coles for a of RRP $5.

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