The primary helpful recommendation on the way to stop transmission of Covid to your own home

Here is the best advice to prevent virus transmission in your home!

Photos by: Unsplash

We live in a time where we are constantly afraid of contracting COVID-19 and it seems like those fears are far from ending. A new variant seems to be spreading with each passing year, and luckily there are many ways you can prevent the disease from entering your home.

No nightclubs

Even though many countries have opened nightclubs and restaurants, you shouldn't visit them. Governments have usually approved it because they wanted to give people more freedom and because the economy needed a boost after a period of lockdown, not because the situation is much better. We understand that you need some time off, but this should not be the primary reason for putting yourself and your family at risk. These types of websites are usually afflicted with many diseases including COVID-19. Only go there if you absolutely have to.

Hygiene is very important

You can protect those around you from viruses that cause colds, flu, and COVID-19 by practicing excellent respiratory hygiene.

To maintain proper hygiene, you should:

Regularly clean your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water or an alcohol-based hand massage. Also remember that 2019-CoV will not be killed by hand dryers. To learn more about it, you can visit This website and find in-depth information on the role of air dryers in your hand hygiene. Wash your hands frequently to protect yourself from the coronavirus. After cleaning, dry them thoroughly with paper towels or a hot air hand dryer.

Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow or a napkin when you cough or sneeze. Throw away the used napkin as soon as possible and wash your hands. Frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, faucets and phone screens should be cleaned and disinfected regularly.

to be vaccinated

The COVID-19 vaccine is risk-free, effective and inexpensive. Vaccination is beneficial for everyone who receives it, but it's especially important for those who are at higher risk of developing serious illness from COVID-19, the elderly, and people of any age with specific medical problems, such as pregnancy . We understand that the rumors about the vaccine made you nervous, but we should believe the specialists who encourage us to take it. In addition, the healthcare system is overwhelmed and by vaccinating ourselves, we reduce our chances of contracting a severe case of COVID-19, thereby relieving the burden on healthcare workers.

What to do if someone is infected

Keep a sick person's bedroom and bathroom separate from the rest of the house (if possible). Provide the sick person with their cleaning supplies and disinfectants. Tissues, paper towels, cleaning supplies and disinfectants are among the items available. The sick person should clean and disinfect surfaces and objects in public places after each use. Use gloves when handling plates and utensils for the sick person. Dishes and cutlery should be washed with soap and hot water or placed in the dishwasher. Use a separate lined trash can for the sick person. Use gloves when removing garbage bags and when touching and throwing garbage. Wash your hands after garbage disposal.

washing the laundry

Use the hottest water setting possible and dry items completely. It's okay to wash soiled clothing belonging to someone who has touched other people's property. Wear gloves and a mask when handling a sick person's dirty clothing. Wash your hands after handling soiled clothing.

Clean all surfaces

When people come into close contact with an infected person's respiratory secretions, the transmission of the COVID-19 virus is primarily person-to-person. Although surface transmission is not a common way to get infected, it's possible for the virus to spread if you touch a virus-infected surface or object and then touch your own eyes, nose, or mouth. You can also catch a cold or flu as well as other infections this way, so it's a good idea to keep cleaning surfaces up to date.


It is possible that your phone is an infected surface that is in plain sight. Phones are often carried around with us during the day and can potentially harbor diseases. It is recommended that you regularly clean your phone's surfaces with an alcohol wipe or warm soap and water. Also disinfect shared devices around the house, including keyboard, mouse and remote controls, especially if a sick person has been using them.

Making our homes a safe haven for ourselves and our families during the pandemic is vital. At a time when the world is grappling with a health crisis, we must be cautious and prioritize our own safety and that of our families.

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