Bioenergy from waste disposal developed with DON Smallgoods

First drafts of the planned MASG bioenergy system – subject to change

On the DON Smallgoods site in Castlemaine, development will begin on a bioenergy from waste facility.

This is part of the Mount Alexander Sustainability Group (MASG) goal to achieve zero net emissions (ZNET) in the county by 2030.

The proposed project represents the first community-led integrated waste-to-energy initiative in Victoria.

Bioenergy waste facilities divert organic waste from landfills and capture potentially harmful emissions (if left in landfills) to produce waste-free and clean energy while reducing reliance on traditional fossil fuels.

"This exciting initiative is not only an important step towards achieving the county's zero waste goals, it will also provide local employment opportunities and help underpin the future viability of DON Smallgoods, the largest employer in the Loddon Mallee area." , the bioenergy subcommittee of the Mount Alexander Sustainability Group, says Michael Lewin.

More specifically, the plant will provide secure on-site employment opportunities, with around 22-30 jobs being created.

“To date, the proposed facility has received support from the state and federal governments, Mt Alexander Shire Council, Coliban Water, DON Smallgoods, and the McKinnon Family Foundation. In total, the funds required for the proposed facility amount to US $ 20 to 25 million. "

DON small goods support

Will Ursell, Managing Director at DON Smallgoods, added: “The Mt Alexander Sustainability Group's proposed bioenergy waste facility will be fantastic for the local economy, and here at DON Smallgoods we are proud to be actively involved in achieving the ZNET goal The county will achieve Zero Net Waste by 2030.

“The facility will significantly reduce landfill waste from our Castlemine facility, which alone will reduce emissions by 20%. As part of this initiative, along with our investments in solar energy and broader efforts on the energy strategy at Castlemine, we expect a total of 40% reduction in DON's carbon footprint by 2025.

Other companies in the region are invited to work with MASG to channel their waste streams through the facility through a more sustainable model.

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