ARA and Salesforce to unlock digital developments and improvements

Salesforce has joined the Australian Retailers Association (ARA) 's “growing network” of strategic partners to share knowledge and insights and drive innovation in the Australian retail sector.

According to Paul Zahra, CEO of ARA, the two organizations are aligned in their values ​​around diversity and inclusion. The partnership will focus on unlocking digital trends and innovations for retail growth.

"We have seen retail trends accelerate through the Covid-19 pandemic, with significant moves towards online commerce, click-and-collect and contactless shopping," he says.

“We need to ensure that Australian retailers are at the forefront of the changes that have taken place and will continue to take place so that they are well positioned for years and decades to come.

“Salesforce has a long history of working with Australian retailers. We look forward to entering into a strategic partnership. Together we will identify new technology trends and find out how this leads to changes in consumer behavior. We will share this knowledge so that retailers are well equipped to face the challenges and opportunities of the post-Covid world. "

According to ARA, Salesforce helps retailers build a loyal customer base with “seamless shopping experiences” from awareness and acquisition to service and advocacy.

"With Salesforce's AI-powered commerce platform, retailers can increase conversion and drive growth," said the company.

“The recently launched loyalty management product enables customers to create personalized, intelligent and seamless experiences for both B2B and B2C loyalty programs.

"Salesforce delivers two billion messages every day, two million orders processed, and more than 60 digital websites are launched."

Salesforce is the latest addition to ARA's “growing network” of strategic partners that includes Mastercard, AfterPay, American Express, QUT, Hitch Advisory, Deloitte, and Fabric / TBWA.

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