Dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus), also known as pitaya or pitahaya, is a tropical cactus native…
SIAL Paris, the world’s ‘leading’ food innovation exhibition, is set to mark its historic 60th…
With its vining habit and interesting leaves, pothos is such a delightful houseplant. It’s also…
Companion planting involves growing plants that benefit your garden crops in a symbiotic combination. Some…
There are many materials that can be used to create raised beds, but a cedar…
Rosa ‘Henri Martin’ is a top specimen among old garden roses. This heirloom has crimson…
For extra beauty in the garden, fertilizing hollyhocks helps promote vigor and boost their blooms.…
If you’ve ever had to contend with sawflies in the garden, you know what a…
Growing your own native flowers and foliage appropriate for vases and vessels ensures you will…
You may have noticed in your gardening adventures that some flowers seem to follow the…