If you already have a garden with vegetables and flowers, you will also like to add and grow herbs. Not only is it fun to breed, they are also beneficial. However, to avoid the frustrations not growing or failing well. You need to learn about the mistakes and hacks that can help your herbs thrive. It is possible to achieve the ultimate success with your garden this year by adding more plants.
So first try planting herbs. Below are some of the most common mistakes you can avoid or learn how to fix them.
Growing from seeds
If you are growing herbs for the first time, it may be tempting to start with seedlings, but a lot can go wrong. First, seeds need a good environment to germinate properly, and they need to be indoors before it's time to plant them outdoors. However, for a similar price or even less, you can choose your herb starter plants where you just need to grow them. This way, you can easily start with a healthy plant while avoiding disappointment when there are no plants growing in spring.
Choosing the wrong type of herb
This error occurs frequently, especially if you don't know that the herb you want contains many types of it. For example, if you want to buy thyme, you need to know the variety you want. Either it is silver thyme, creeping thyme, lemon thyme, to name a few. This also applies to other herbs that you want to buy to know the variety that thrives best in your region. So when you buy herbs, don't buy them blindly, especially the herbs that offer multiple options, know the variety you need, and then choose them properly.
Do not prevent garden invasion
Although herbs add complementary flavors to the food we eat. Sometimes they are notorious for how they grow when you plant them in your garden. For example, some herbs like oregano and mint are known to be insatiable growers and can easily cause garden invasion when grown. So you need to grow such herbs in pots or containers, and you can bury them in the ground to make sure the rest of your garden space is safe. Because you control the roots of these herbs and therefore they do not move to the rest of the garden plot. Try this garden hack and you will prevent any garden invasion with some of these herbs.
Cultivation of complex herbs
If you are a new herb gardener, avoid growing herbs that are too complex too soon. So grow herbs that you like to use that are easy to grow, and you can add more if you learn more about them. Once you grow a versatile herb that results in adding it to many dishes like basil, it motivates you to grow other herbs that are more complex to care for. Because every gardener wants to be successful when it comes to growing herbs in his garden. Try basil and other less complex herbs that you can use to train perfectly, and it's also a fast grower, which is an added benefit.
Let herbs grow
If you already know about the correct plucking and pruning of different herbs. You mustn't make the mistake of growing flowers. You should cut herbs back before the flowers start to grow. However, this applies to certain herbs such as sweet basil. If you let the flower grow, the herb becomes bitter when you use it. As beautiful as flowers are to see either annual or perennial plants, in cases like sweet basil, they are of no use. Unless his other herbs like the aromatic bee balm, The flowers and leaves are ideal for making tea and are attractive for butterflies, bees and other pollinators. With this herb, you do not have to cut the flower buds as they are beneficial to you and do not affect the taste of the herb when it blooms.
Do not prepare the garden with fresh soil
This mistake is common with many herb gardeners because they do not prepare the soil. As a result, the herb has no real soil to feed it so that it can grow well. Avoid using soil that does not contain nutrients and is overused as this will not produce herbs that will thrive. Give your herbs fresh, undeveloped soil and add compost so that it can grow successfully in its new home. If you grow your herbs with pots, avoid garden soils like black soil or topsoil, as they are heavy and take ages to dry. Therefore, use potting soil as it is fluffier and lighter. Then water twice a month and add soluble water fertilizer to increase the nutrients your plants absorb from the soil, and you get the best herbs.
Water herbs like houseplants
Depending on where you live, you can grow your herbs indoors or outdoors. However, herbs are different types of plants and you have to treat them as herbs and not as houseplants. So if you have herbs that need to grow indoors or outdoors, you need to treat them as herbs, especially while you care for them. For example, herbs grown indoors can thrive once or twice a week with proper watering.
However, anyone who grows outdoors needs to be watered regularly and moderately, especially in the hot months. If you grow your herbs in pots, make sure they are well drained so that your herbs don't drown when it rains. This way, however, you need to water them more than the herbs growing in the ground.