Problem is my motivator

The dynamism of the FMCG industry has inspired the progress of this award-winning executive by stacking supermarket shelves to ensure cash flow for a multinational giant.

By Steven Bean, Head of Sales and Pricing at Mondelēz International

Steven Bean

Where did your career at FMCG begin?

It started almost 20 years ago to stack shelves for the no longer existing BI-LO supermarket chain.

Guide us through the journey that led you to your current role.

I spent my first years at FMCG in various positions in the business and eventually worked on maintaining my own business for a period of time (still the hardest job I've ever had). I then secured a job at the Coles headquarters and worked in room management, which, to my surprise, contained much more than just beautiful pictures. I was lucky enough to work in different roles during my time there, including a number of project roles for business transformation that gave me a first glimpse into broader industry issues and opportunities.

My next step was Coca-Cola Amatil because I had an urge to explore the manufacturing side of the industry. In 10 fantastic years at Coke, I was able to explore different FMCG functions, channels and sectors as I worked in various roles in the areas of accounts, field service and category management.

In 2017 I had the opportunity to move to Mondelēz in a role that matched my passion for category management / planning as well as my need to be closer to my family in Melbourne. After spending some time on the category strategy and customer engagement, I moved on to my current position as head of revenue management and strategic pricing for the Australian business.

What inspired you to be where you are today?

From my first job in the first supermarket, I quickly realized that the dynamics of this industry naturally inspired and motivated me. There is a new customer, product or competitor every day, and the way to win (or lose) is constantly changing. As a person motivated by challenge and growth, I have found that this industry offers endless possibilities for both.

The majority of my professional progress and personal development over the years is simply due to the fact that I have dealt with everything that lies ahead. Before you know it, 20 years have passed and you have a wealth of experience behind you, but you still feel that there is still a lot to learn.

Is there any advice you have received throughout your career?

To paraphrase one of my previous managers: "The only reason to spend your time looking back is to figure out how to get ahead." Given that we operate in an industry that requires an infinite number of data points and numbers to be displayed on a given day, it is important to remember that it is our job to influence future results rather than the past endlessly analyze. The best way to do this is to understand past teachings and then apply them to future plans.

What were some of the biggest challenges along the way?

The biggest challenge for me has always been to deal with the enormous complexity of this industry. We're always trying to answer a question: how do we make sure we have the right product at the right price for the right person at the right place at the right time? It's a question we've all been working on for a very long time, and every time we think we can get the answer, the world changes and we look at the next problem or opportunity. This means that we can often do something wrong or achieve difficult results when we do the right things. The advantage is that the result is even more rewarding if we tackle the same challenge and tackle it correctly.

What are some of your biggest career highlights / successes so far?

I had very strong mentors in the Coca-Cola system (people like the great Peter Poopy Foreman) and they encouraged me as a young manager to participate in several industry programs. Because of this encouragement and support, I was lucky enough to win both the Peter Jowett Award 2009 (AACS) and the Joe Berry Award 2011 (ASMCA). At that time, these awards played an incredible role in my professional development and progress, and brought a personal sense of pride and achievement. Over time, I realized that the bigger reward was staying in the programs and giving guidance and support to the participants each year. If I could repeat in any way what I was given at the beginning of my career, it would be a much greater achievement over time.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

I find it difficult to answer this question because I prefer to be open to opportunities rather than being tied to a specific outcome. I'm just saying my goal is to learn everything I can and achieve everything I can in my current situation. Then I will focus my attention on the next opportunity and repeat the process. I hope this brings me to an exciting place.

What advice would you give to others looking for a career in the FMCG sector?

Leave your comfort zone early and often during your career. The broader the foundation you can build in the early days, the more opportunities you have to build a long and enjoyable career in a very large, broad and diverse industry.

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