Are you a busy working mom who is struggling to keep chores under control? If so, then we have some great tips for you on how to keep the house clean while still being a great mom and perfect professional!
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There are many couples across the country dealing with this problem and it is a welcome modern phenomenon as having two professionals in the house was never a problem many years ago. No matter how hard you work, no one wants to go back to a messy house. Here are some tips on how to stay on top of things.
Bring in troops
In earlier days, one of the couples, usually the wife, would have been the housewife while the other would have gone to work. Now that for the most part both of them work, it means there is less time to do housework, but it means more money is coming in. So it is a wise idea if some of this money is used for cleaning services. When it comes to House cleaning Hobart has some amazing teams of people who come to your home daily or weekly making sure the house shines when you get home from work.
Tight rules for the home
Ultimately, the worst moments of an unkempt home are when you wake up in the morning or come home from work. Because of this, it is important to implement some strict rules for the family. No bedtime before the dishes are washed and the rooms tidy, and no school or work until the same thing happens. What could be a fun idea and a great way to stay tuned is to put in place a good system that will forfeit for those who don't hold up their side of the business.
Take it traditionally
When we talk about the old days, there are some aspects of these days that we can incorporate into the modern world. For example, define one day as a washing and cleaning day and only one day. This used to be done to save energy, now it can be done to save time. This would surely ensure that laundry is done on your day off, and then you can forget about it for the rest of the week.
Broken Windows Theory
The broken window theory suggests that if many were already broken in the street, you would be more likely to break a window than if there weren't any. We can apply this to the house and make sure everything is organized first. If we have a home that is home to everything and clearly marked areas where we know things should be, then we are much more likely to follow suit and follow these rules. When we start with chaos, chaos arises.
Try these tips to make sure you have the housework under control.