Chamomile In Containers: Rising Chamomile In Pots

Chamomile is a pretty herb prized for its delicate, daisy-like flowers. You can dry the flowers and brew them into a tasty chamomile tea that aids digestion and relieves stress. You can grow chamomile in beds, in herb gardens, and in containers.

Knowing how to grow chamomile in a pot allows you to enjoy this tasty herb and its delicate aroma and flavor even if your outdoor space is limited. Grow it on a patio or balcony or even indoors. Many people also prefer to grow it in a container, as it reseeds and spreads readily; growing it in pots allows for more control.

How to Grow Chamomile in Containers

Chamomile grows well in containers. As long as you provide the right conditions, it shouldn’t suffer from being container-grown. Just be sure you start with a pot that is large enough to contain it. Roman chamomile is a good choice because it only grows to about a foot (30 cm) tall.

Any kind of container will do, but terracotta works well because it won’t tip over easily. It also allows for air and water to flow through the soil and roots. Be sure any container you choose has drainage holes in the bottom.

Planting Chamomile in Contianers

When planting in pots, consider starting chamomile from seeds. Chamomile plants don’t transplant well, but if you choose this option, start with very small plants. They should only be two or three inches (5.0 or 7.5 cm) tall at most.

Starting with seeds is a better choice to avoid issues associated with transplanting seedlings. Follow these simple steps:

  • Prepare a pot by filling it with quality potting mix.
  • Moisten the potting mix with water.
  • Sprinkle chamomile seeds on top and gently press them into the potting mix. Do not cover them.
  • Keep the mix moist and place the pot in a spot with at least six hours of bright light per day.
  • The seeds should sprout in one or two weeks.
  • Once seedlings have two mature leaves, thin them out, leaving just one healthy plant per container.

You can place the container outside after the last frost of spring, but harden the plants off first. Set them outside in a shady spot for a few hours per day, then in the sun for an hour each day. Increase the amount of time in the sun over several days before leaving them outside permanently.

Caring for Chamomile in Containers

Once you have a healthy, growing chamomile container garden going, provide your plants with the right conditions to enjoy a harvest of chamomile flowers.

Lighting Conditions

Chamomile grows best in full sun or partial shade. Some afternoon shade is best during very hot conditions.

Temperature and Humidity

Chamomile does not do well with extreme temperatures. Pull containers inside if there is any danger of frost overnight and provide shade during heat spells. Chamomile doesn’t require humidity and tolerates drought fairly well.


Although it tolerates drought, you should keep potted chamomile well-watered, being mindful that the roots will dry out more readily in a container than in the ground. Water the soil thoroughly as it begins to dry at the top of the container. About one inch (2.5 cm) of water per week is ideal.


Chamomile doesn’t need a lot of fertilizer and in fact, can become bitter or grow more leaves than flowers if it’s over-fertilized. Container plants don’t have access to as many nutrients as those in the ground, so you can apply a balanced, diluted natural fertilizer a couple of times during the growing season to keep them healthy. Alternatively, mix compost into the potting soil.

Problems When You Grow Chamomile in Pots

There are no serious pests, diseases, or problems associated with growing chamomile in containers. Keep an eye on soil moisture, finding the right balance, as pots can easily dry out or become waterlogged, causing root rot.

Roman chamomile grows very well in containers, but German chamomile might not be the best choice. It grows taller and can be hard to keep upright.

Sunlight can be an issue when growing potted herbs inside. Take the container outside in summer or place it by a sunny window.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I Deadhead Chamomile?

Deadhead your chamomile to harvest the best-tasting flowers for tea and to encourage more blooms.

Does Chamomile Come Back Every Year?

Chamomile grown in beds usually reseeds, but this won’t likely occur when plants are container-grown. Let some of the flowers stay on the plant to produce seeds and collect these to use the following year.

Can I Plant Chamomile and Lavender Together?

Chamomile and lavender grow well together in beds, but each should have its own pot for a container garden.

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