How do I Know if I Want my Roof Repaired or Changed?

What essential component determines a building’s quality and overall health? Yeah, it is the roof!

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Be it a commercial building or a residential one, roofs play a vital role in protecting the building from various weather conditions, leakage, and pollution and provide an aesthetic look. This is why taking good care of this primary barrier and maintaining its quality should be your first and foremost concern.

Most people pay attention to their roofs when it’s already too late, and water starts to dribble through the ceiling. Or some people couldn’t figure out when it was the right time to get serious about the roofs above their heads. While it is always advisable to check on your roof twice a year, if it is not possible, you may want to look for certain factors that specify whether it is time for you to repair or replace your roof. 

You would be better off reaching out to a roofing expert such as Exterior Plus. For now, take a look at the some of the signs that warn you of your roof damage that needs urgent repair or replacement:

Signs to Tell You if You Need Your Roof Repaired or Replaced

  • Inevitably, every roof will eventually get damaged. Start to inspect your roofs from the start or whenever there’s a sign of bad weather or heavy rainfall. It would be best to look out for even the slight damages like a tiny dinged up spot or a moss patch, as they can be threatening. It would be best to keep in mind to check the interior and exterior as roof damage can be anywhere.
  • While inspecting, pay closer attention to water spots and discolouration of the roofing material. These wearing signs peel off the shingles and finish the exterior design. They can be more recognizable at the transition line where the roof meets the exterior wall.
  • Your roofing inspection should also include checking the tiny granules found in the gutters. Roofing materials due to the exposure to the scorching sunlight or the heavy rainfall start to peel off, wash away and then clog the gutters. Other than the granules, inspect the roofing material itself and see if they are cracking or cupping. These signs indicate that either the roofing is no longer capable of withstanding the weather, or they are not getting proper air ventilation from the insides.
  • Inspection of your inside room walls and ceiling is also essential to determine the overall damage condition of the roofing. When your interior walls or ceiling starts to wrap or shades dust, know that it is a sign of severe water damage from below. Pay extra attention to the attics, storerooms, or closets closer to the roofs. Sometimes drops of water or puddles start to drip in the middle of the rooms, generally made of hardwood. 
  • Cracks, moulds or holes shade debris inside your room, which can be a dangerous sign of roof damage. Locate where the failing of debris is excessive as it will help you find the source of the hole or crack.

After inspecting all these damage signs, comes the next step to decide whether you should go for a repair or a completely new roof build. Sometimes it can be a go-to solution for you to do a few adjustments and repairs in some particular spots of the damaged roof. But for more considerable damages, considering a roof replacement is your best and most sustainable decision. Here’s how you can locate if you need a replacement or a repair. 

When and Why You Should Go For a Roof Repair

Not Always a roof replacement is necessary or an excellent option to enhance the durability of your roof. Because not only does it costs high expenses, but also it is hectic and further damages your property. In case of minor and fewer damages, you can always go for the budget-friendly repair option that is similarly effective and substantial. Below are listed some preferable conditions needing a roof repair: 

  • You can opt for a repair to get rid of the damages to the young buildings and have somewhat newly made roofs where they haven’t aged that much. Keep in mind the warranty of your installed roofing material, as it will help you contact the manufacturers and ask for an immediate repair of your roof damages.
  • Think about the time and cause of your roof damage as it will help to find out the necessity of a repair. For example, if you witness the damage that was not there before, you can speculate that it must be the effect of the recent rainfall or storm. These sudden and recent weather damages are easily repairable as there are no interior damages and the signs only show on the exterior. 
  • Lastly, consider the size, extent or severity of the damage. Suppose it is not that large of an issue – just some missing shingles or tiny crack damaging only the outer surface and not going deeper into the inside ceiling. In that case, a quick and affordable repair is your best option.

When and Why You Should Go for a Roof Replacement

Sometimes the damages are so severe that only repair can not be enough or practical anymore. In these cases, replacements are necessary. The cases that opt for a new replacement are as follows:

  • The older roofing materials nearing the end of their lifespan or already have exceeded their lifespan can no longer be fixed with continuous repairings. Yet if you continue to patch it up with repairs, it will be less efficient and more costly. Hence, a one-time Replacement can save you from the trouble.
  • If the damage to your exterior roof begins to show signs and affects your interior walls and ceiling, it is time for a new roof. Huge cracks, extensive holes or moulds can no longer be fixed with multiple repairs. So it would help if you always considered having a replacement for longer and stronger integrity of your overall building structure.
  • If there is a water leakage that is causing rain to pour inside your house, you should immediately request a replacement. Although some small leakages are capable of being fixed by repair, it just takes too much time and effort and doesn’t even ensure a permanent solution. So opt for a replacement as soon as possible if you want to have a rigid and secure roof above your head.


If you see a sign of damage that needs a repair or a replacement, don’t look for the right time to do it and take measures as soon as possible. Keep in mind that the damage may seem small for now, but if you prolong it further, it won’t take much time to endanger your overall safety and cost you a leg and an arm.

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