Take Inspiration From These Lovely Passover Seder Desk Designs

The seder table is present in Jewish households and establishments throughout the celebration of Passover!

Photo By: Unsplash

Passover is a religious holiday celebrated by Jewish communities across the globe. This year it will run from the 15th of April until the 23rd – giving practicing Jews the chance to remember the suffering that occurred in Egypt thousands of years ago. The book of Exodus – from the Hebrew Bible called the Torah – tells the tale of suffering. 

Jewish households around the globe will soon begin preparing their homes for the celebration, with the seder table being the main focus. We’ve picked out some of the most beautiful seder table designs for anyone to draw inspiration from – read on the explore. 

Patterned Linens

Let’s bring back patterned linens in true Passover style. Judaism loves patterns, especially for their seder table runners. Luxurious golds twist and swirl against a white back underlayer to create mesmerizing designs. Other Passover favored colors include blues and whites and greens and whites. Don’t be afraid to go bold with your style to accentuate simple features.

Quirky Passover Seder Plate Designs

Google Passover seder table designs and you’ll notice there’s a wide array of inspiration to draw from, but there are two trends that stand out – simplistic and quirky. Inspirational Passover seder plate designers like Nambe designer Marilyn Davidson mixes modern with outlandish, such as with her alpha-bet seder plate design. Or, there’s Isabelle Halley, who infuses Jewish traditions with modern minimalism to create stunning seder plate designs. Whether celebrating Passover or not, it’s easy to draw inspiration from seder plate designs for your own tableware – because more often than not, they’re quirky rather than traditional.

Menu Place Settings

How often have you gone to friends for dinner and had menu place settings? Probably never, but how luxurious and divine would it feel to read a menu and feel as though you’re being truly wined and dined? Draw inspiration from the Passover-inspired menu place settings. Print out the dining options on a scroll bound together with herbs or forestry items collected straight from mother nature herself.

Outdoor Seders

Speaking of mother nature herself, it won’t be long until the warming embrace of spring is upon us, especially towards the end of April when Passover falls. Take inspiration from outdoor seders – get your backyard table ready with candelabras and natural shrubbery and enjoy the beautiful sunset for the backdrop. Judaism loves to celebrate natural beauty, and natural light from a flame as the sun disappears is preferred over artificial lighting. Plus, candles always set the tone for a relaxing dining experience.

Again, you don’t have to be involved in the celebration of Passover to enjoy the simplicity of outdoor dining and a kiss goodbye from the sun as it begins to descend.

Passover is just one of the celebrations in the Jewish religious calendar that celebrates the beauty of life and freedom – something everyone can appreciate. Communities dine, share stories, and find comfort in the sanctity of being surrounded by friends and family. 

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