Do it’s good to select a water filtration system on your house? Right here's how:

You may have recently decided that a water filtration system is something for your home, but the wealth of information and seemingly endless possibilities can be overwhelming!

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Hold on tight, we'll do it in six easy steps! When looking for the right one for YOU, there are 6 things to consider: Which size? How many people will be using it at the same time (including pets)? Do I need other functions such as plasticizers or activated carbon filters? Is the price important OR are quality aspects more important than the costs? In this article, we're going to cover the basics. But look at that Instructions for choosing a filter system.

1. Are you looking for a whole house water filter or a smaller drinking water solution?

Aside from endless options, there are essentially two versions of water filters that are typically installed in homes. The first is known as the POU, or Point of Use System. This model installs under your kitchen sink and only filters the water that comes out of the tap. The larger, more robust option is known as a POE, or Point of Entry System. A POE system filters every drop of water that comes into your home – not just the water from the kitchen sink.

So the choice is yours. Would you rather only treat the drinking and cooking water passed through the kitchen tap or are you looking for a complete house filter that ensures that every drop is treated. Remember that there is also a hybrid option. Sometimes a combination of both is perfect.

2. Are you connected to city water or do you have a well?

The public water supply for cities and towns is relatively safe as sewage treatment plants follow a long list of procedures and as many specific EPA regulations have to adhere to. Even so, urban water treatment is certainly not infallible. Research shows that almost 700 precautionary notes on cooking regulations are issued every day. And contamination and burst pipes happen much more often than you think. While this is inconvenient, it also poses serious security risks.

But well water is not without headaches either. Those who use private wells have an entirely different list of concerns. Do you need proof? Recent research has shown that more than 40% of private wells contain E. coli, which can cause gastrointestinal problems. Full POE systems can be a good option for households using private wells, as UV cleaning can provide protection from E. coli and other microorganisms. The first step is to have your well water tested. Then, depending on the content and the impurities found, you can better decide which water filter system is best for you.

3. How many bathrooms do you have?

Many treatment systems are designed – and priced – for the maximum flow in your home. Remember when and how you will use most of the water. Do you have a large family and up to four people shower in different bathrooms in the morning? How many toilets and / or toilets does your home have? Does your family usually take long showers, or are you the guy who gets in and out? When you factor in the number of bathrooms in your home – both full and halfway – there is an easy way to estimate the size of a water treatment system you are likely to need.

But remember that water usage is not based solely on bathrooms. Think about how often you run your dishwasher or throw in a load of laundry. Do you do all of this at the same time, or does it typically only happen sporadically when the need calls for it?

The single most important question to think about and answer is: How much water is likely to flow through your home during peak loads? (These are usually the early hours of the morning for most families).

4. How many people live in your household?

Larger families mean more water consumption. Just as you consider the number of bathrooms, think about each family member's water usage habits. Does your daughter take a long shower? Do you have three large dogs that need bathing every week? Is your son notorious for leaving the tap on while brushing his teeth?

On a typical day, consider how much water is running through your home. Evaluate your habits and be realistic. This is the best way to generally determine what size water filtration system is best for your household's specific needs.

5. Do you know what is floating in your water?

Knowing what's in your water is an important factor in properly assessing your filtration needs. For example, if you are testing the water in your home and that test shows you have an LED, a water specialist can help you choose a system that speaks in favor of an LED removal solution. Even with hard water, a specialist can help you choose a system that will also solve this problem.

When you find yourself on city water, figuring out what contaminants you might be dealing with is relatively easy. The EPA requires the publication of an annual water quality report, often referred to as the Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). To find this, simply visit the EPO website.

6. Which system is right for me?

Choosing a system, be it over the kitchen faucet or a whole house water filter, shouldn't be a daunting task, but we understand it is an investment. With the right analysis and weighing of the above questions, qualified water specialists will be happy to discuss your needs in detail and help you choose the right filter system for your home.

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