Make your own home extra senior-friendly with these 6 suggestions

Do you have any older family members? So you can make your home a little more senior-friendly!

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Aging in place is a term that describes the aging process in your place of residence rather than moving to an assisted living facility or a nursing home. It doesn't mean giving up your independence and freedom; it means adjusting your lifestyle so that you can age gracefully and enjoy life for as long as possible.

1. Determine your future needs or those of your elderly loved ones

The first step in making your home more senior-friendly is to think about the future needs of yourself or an elderly loved one. Now what adjustments can you make to make life on the road easier? These include, for example, widening doors and hallways, adding grab bars in the bathroom, installing a chair lift or ramps, or increasing the storage space to make it easier to move around. According to Duo of stilts + “Elevators will help you stay in the home you love when the stairs get too crowded.” Think about the activities that are important for you and your loved ones and try to create a home that is conducive to those activities is. If spending time in the garden is important, make sure the yard is accessible and has a comfortable seating area. If reading or knitting is a popular pastime, install comfortable chairs and a good source of light.

Small adjustments to your home can significantly improve the quality of life for older people. Talk to your family and friends about their needs and suggestions, and take their advice to heart when making changes to your home.

2. Create a safe and comfortable environment

It is important not to forget about security when adding more decor to your home senior friendly. Grab bars in the shower and toilet area, non-slip mats in the bathroom and kitchen, adequate lighting throughout the house and stable furniture that does not wobble are important. Seniors are also more prone to falls, so it is important to remove clutter from sidewalks and get out of the way. Put railings along stairs or use a chair lift to make it easier for older adults to get on and off.

3. Make your home accessible to everyone

It's not just seniors who need help getting around their home. So keep the needs of everyone in your home in mind when making any changes. If you live with children or grandchildren, keep toys lifted and stairs clean. Install handrails on either side of the hallways so children and pets can move around the house safely. Keep furniture pressed against walls instead of blocking sidewalks, and install doorknobs that turn easily for all ages.

4. Go technical!

From large screen televisions hanging on walls that are built into appliances such as washing machines, ovens, and refrigerators. You can now buy home security systems that allow you to keep an eye on things while you are away, or program your thermostat to automatically adjust the temperature when you are away.

Nowadays there are a variety of tech gadgets on the market that can make life easier for everyone in the family, regardless of age. Do your research and find the products that are best for your needs and budget.

5. Create a warm and welcoming atmosphere

One of the best ways to make your home more senior friendly is to make it warm and welcoming. Add comfortable furniture, lots of plants and flowers, pictures and paintings on the walls, and carpets on the floor. Install dimmers on lamps so you can set the mood based on your activity level and taste, and enjoy creating a home that is one of a kind.

6. Get help and advice from the professionals

If the task of making your home more senior friendly is feeling overwhelming for you, don't hesitate to ask Help from professionals. There are many companies out there that specialize in retirement home planning and renovation and they can help you make the changes you need to make your home safer and more comfortable. Talk to family and friends, do the research online, or contact a professional to make your home more adaptable to those who age locally.

The best way to make your home more senior friendly is to make it warm and welcoming. We all know the needs of our elders are changing, so it is important to have a home that can accommodate those changes. This article covers the following points: what is aging, how to think about the needs of your older self, make adjustments to your home, and more! Small adjustments can be just fine for you or someone else as they get on in years. Talk to friends and family about your experience as an elder at home – you never know where inspiration might come from!

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