beautify your exterior for an elevated property worth

Increase the value of your property with these simple ideas!

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A recent study found that residential properties with beautifully landscaped outdoor areas are worth almost 15% more than properties without them. While this research is far from conclusive, it is clear that the real estate value of your Greensboro home is positively impacted by landscaping projects in front of and around your home. If you are looking to add value to your home, follow these simple landscaping tips to beautify the exterior of your home.

Enhance the attractiveness of curbs

When it comes to real estate appraisals, the curbside appeal is of paramount importance. A study by Zillow found that potential buyers are much more likely to offer a home if they like it. That makes sense because people would rather live in a nice place than live in a place they don't like. A few quick and easy ways to improve the look of your home are cleaning up outdoor clutter, painting, planting flowers and trees, and adding a feature like a patio or gazebo. If you are planning on making renovations or additions that will cost a lot of money, consider a small project before starting the more expensive ones. This way you will get real feedback from neighbors as to whether it worked.

Bring color to the front door

A large red door is a common sight in quaint neighborhoods across America. This color stands out from monotonous outdoor areas, enlivens houses and creates visual interest. Try it for yourself – it's an easy way to make the curb more attractive! Just be careful not to overdo it or you might look like every other house in your block.

Upgrade your fence

Adding a decorative fence is a great way to add appeal to your home. Adding design features like painted stripes or coloring it a unique color will make your fence stand out from others on your street. A professionally built, stained, or painted fence can also add hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to the valuation of your home by a buyer.

Liven up landscaping and lawn maintenance

Bring back life to your lawn and gardens to add value to your home. Well-manicured scenery can reassure buyers and make them more likely to want to buy. In addition, healthier plants hold up better over time – saving you future maintenance costs.

Be creative with driveways

Unlike lawns that have been popular for centuries, driveways are a relatively new invention. As a result, many people forget that they are not required on every lot. If you find that your driveway is just obstructing the normal flow of traffic on your street or disrupting the Christmas decorations, consider replacing them with an attractive garden bed.


Increasing home resale value isn't always about what you can do to make it more useful. Sometimes you just need to focus on how it looks. The first step in increasing resale value is learning how others have incorporated color, landscaping, and other enhancements into their exterior. From there, you can customize these ideas to seamlessly suit your tastes and complement your existing interior design. The aim is to create livable outdoor spaces and to increase the resale value of your house.

For those wondering how can I sell my home quickly? Greensboro premier real estate agent Prefer solutions for the home gives you even more valuable tips and all the assistance you need to find a buyer. First of all, remember that the appeal to curbs starts from the inside.

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