Kinds of illnesses that rodents transmit –  keep away from them

How to keep your home permanently free from pests!

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Rodents are mammals and are considered pests because of their behavior. Some of the most common rodents are rats, mice, squirrels, and bats. These rodents are attracted to food, water resources, moisture, and dark places. These rodents are a major disruption to healthy living, and even they can damage the properties available in your locality. Rodents like rats can chew the metal wire, which can short circuit it and the squirrels steal your food. Rodents' excretions and excretions can cause various health and skin diseases. It is important to get rid of them early on. In this article we will discuss those Types of diseases caused by rodents and how to avoid them.

Types of diseases that rodents transmit

Usually, the presence of pests can bring a lot of health problems and allergic problems. These allergens cause breathing problems, and here are some of them dangerous diseases caused by rodents,

  1. Hantavirus
  2. Lymphocytic choriomeningitis
  3. bubonic plague
  4. Tularemia
  5. salmonellosis


Hantavirus is a disease scientifically known as Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS). A person who is in direct contact with the rodent's feces and feces such as urine or who has a rodent bite will be affected by this hantavirus. This virus takes 1 to 5 weeks to develop and can cause fever, muscle pain, fatigue, headache, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis

Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis (LCM) is also a viral infection that can spread if you come in direct contact with rodent feces or if you get a bite. The main cause of this disease is house mice, and this virus will harm health in two stages. At first you will have mild symptoms like fever, vomiting, tiredness and in the second stage the nervous system will be damaged.

bubonic plague

The bubonic plague is the most common disease caused by rodents and is also known as the black death. This disease is transmitted by the infected insects or rodents. This disease occurs after 6 days of exposure and can cause fever, fatigue, headache, and swelling at the site of infection. It's too dangerous to be fatal if left untreated.


Tularemia is a disease caused by rodents such as rabbits and rats, and even fly bites. This disease has symptoms such as skin ulcers and swelling on the affected area. This can be cured, but if left untreated, life threatening.


Salmonellosis is a common condition that can be caused by contaminated food or infected rodents. This leads to food poisoning, diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain, which can also be cured by antibiotics.

How to avoid the diseases caused by rodents

Rodents are the species that cannot be completely eliminated from your place without the help of professionals. If you want to protect your health and those of your family members from the dangers, you can use your home methods to control it, but the rodents will appear after a few days. Home methods cannot withstand long days, if you need to avoid the rodents for a long time, hire a professional pest control service. The pros like Pest Control London Team will have the knowledge to eliminate the rodents and protect your life from the diseases caused by rodents.

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