A easy information to understanding the method of putting in synthetic grass

If you have a traditional lawn and are looking for an easy way to make it look nicer without all of the work, artificial turf might be for you!

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This guide will show you how this process works so that you can decide whether or not it is right for your property!

Decide whether you want to do it yourself or hire a professional

Hiring someone else will cost you more money, but they can get the project done faster and with better results than you would accomplish on your own. If budget is not an issue for you, we recommend hiring professionals as it can save time and frustration later. If you decide to go with a professional like experts from PerthArtificialGrass.com, make sure they have experience in the field and ask for testimonials from previous clients so you can see what kind of job they are doing installing artificial turf. If budget is an issue we recommend doing it yourself as it saves money and gives us more control over the project.

This step is an important one as it determines whether you are hiring someone or doing a DIY project. We recommend beginners laying artificial turf themselves unless they have previous experience laying lawns and other similar products such as car mats, carpets, etc.

Prepare the area where you want to install

This step is important for both home improvement and professionals. If you are hiring someone make sure they do this part yourself as this is best done by experienced staff who know what they are doing when you are laying lawn on your property. On average, a professional should charge around $ 20 per square meter for this part of the project.

If you want to do this yourself, make sure that you have either rented or purchased all of the necessary equipment, such as a hammer drill and an edging tool for staking out lawns. That saves time and money in the long run. Make sure you have all the supplies you need to troubleshoot any problems you may have.

The floor must be flat

This can be a difficult step for those who do it on their own, as leveling an area under lawn can take some time, effort, and experience. Make sure that all soil is removed from the area so that no debris or stone debris can later get through the lawn.

The best way to do this is with a hammer drill and post-hole excavators, which can be rented at most tool rental centers for around $ 50-100 or bought cheaply online. If you are new to these tools, we recommend that you hire someone who has experience so they can get the job done faster and with better results. If you do it yourself, make sure that you have rented or purchased any equipment you need, such as a hammer drill and post hole excavator. This will save time and money on this project in the future if you don't know what you are doing.

Put down your base

This is another important step that should not be taken lightly as a good subgrade prevents future lawn problems such as heaviness and other quality issues with artificial turf. The best material for this part of the project is crushed stone, which is available at many hardware stores. Make sure the stone is at least two inches deep before you put down your next layer of material, which should be about an inch deep. It can get expensive depending on where you live and how much stone or other basic materials are needed to properly complete this project, but it's definitely worth it if you want a hassle-free lawn. If you do it yourself make sure you have rented or bought it all the necessary equipment.

Artificial turf installation will be easy for those who have experience installing turf, alone or with others, but if not done properly, it can become a daunting task can be found in our other blog post on the same topic.

In summary, laying artificial turf can be a difficult task for people with no prior knowledge. We therefore recommend hiring someone else to do the work if you have no knowledge of laying lawns or installing carpet mats and similar products.

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