Why you need to construct an extra residential unit

ADU is another word for granny flat or guest house. This is why you should think about building one!

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An additional housing unit or ADU is known by many names. Many call it a granny flat, two-family house, in-laws, coach house, granny house or ancillary apartment. It's basically just a small house that you build in your yard, but it can be used for many purposes. Many think it would be a waste of money and pace to build an ADU, but here I've discussed why it's actually a wise decision.

Increase the value of your home

A house with an ADU is more likely to be sold. It is also being sold for greater value because people realize its worth. If you have a granny flat, you'll see more people reaching out to you and making better deals. Just make sure it is built by professional ADU contractors who can build an inexpensive, sturdy, modern cottage.

You can instantly increase the overall value of your property by simply building this little cottage. Everything you invest will come back for a profit. When evaluating the price of the house, they will count how much it would have cost to design ADU and how it added the value of the entire house. So you can be sure that you are not wasting any money. You will get some value out of it and a full return on money when you sell the home.

Usually no permit required

Depending on the country you live in, you may not need a development agency approval before building an ADU. It's usually a very hectic process that requires you to get a permit before building a home. Most governments don't require you to get their permission to add this extension to your home. That means you can build it anytime without any worries. You don't have to wait for anything either.

You can rent it out

If you are not sure how it will be beneficial for you, a granny flat pays off best. You can just borrow it. It is located right in the main residence so that no one in your family is disturbed.

Instead of keeping it empty, renting it out gives you the rental of a full house. It may not be as big as your main house but has the same facilities as bedrooms, kitchen and washrooms. That's all a person can need from their home.

It won't be very difficult to rent because it's an entire house and people prefer it to an apartment. If you are in a good neighborhood you can make a very good monthly passive income without having to do anything.

Live with your parents in privacy

Many people are not very keen on the idea of ​​living apart from their parents. They elevate us all our lives and make us who we are today. We couldn't have achieved anything and the world would take advantage of us if they weren't there for us. We were weak and they protected us.

Now when they are old they are weak. They may not have financial problems, but they do need emotional support and love for the family. They can also become depressed and have many health problems and need families to look after them.

Many fear that they will not get enough privacy with their wives and parents. You can build an adjoining apartment and have your parents settle there. You live in the same house as you without compromising your privacy.

It makes them very happy and gives them the support they need at their old age. You will also spend some time with your grandchildren and your children will learn a lot from them. Not to mention having the best babysitters in your house so you can go anywhere you want.

A place to live for nomads

If you're a nomad who loves to travel and rarely visits your home, consider building an ADU. You don't need a whole house to yourself if you don't even live there. You'd be wasting all of this space if you can make money on it.

Therefore you should rent the main house and settle in this little house. You get a very good rent and you can finance your nomadic lifestyle. You can easily spend the few days in the house in the ADU, where you keep all your belongings. Renting the house also protects it from theft and other troubles.

Use for professional or recreational purposes

You can use a unit for several personal purposes. For example, you can set up a great home office. We all need peace and privacy at work. It can be difficult to find around the house, especially if you have kids.

With a granny flat you can concentrate on your work. Even if you don't have to work, you can use it for other leisure purposes. Build an art studio and bring out your inner artist. There are also many other things that you can do depending on your hobbies and interests. It wouldn't be a bad idea to build a gym. It can also be a playroom that you can invite your friends over to as well.

Customize your boomerang kids

Millennials have many options, but life is not exactly easy for them because of the fierce competition in every industry. They must leave home when they go to college or turn 18. You can support them by providing them with an apartment.

You won't feel like you are a burden if they are in the same house but live apart. They also get the privacy they need and work on their startups non-stop.

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