Lapauw is trying on the market now and past Covid-19


Lapauw President Philippe D & # 39; heygere, and CEO, Steven Renders, sent a message to Industry Week, praising the commitment and hard work of healthcare workers at the forefront and their view of retail in the Covid 19 crisis and beyond.

They wrote: “The personal life of each of us has been turned upside down. Covid-19 has a huge impact on society as a whole. First and foremost on healthcare workers who are on the first line. It cannot be stressed enough: you deserve enormous respect. The whole Lapauw The team thanks all of these hardworking healthcare workers.

“Our pandemic corona virus has also affected our market significantly. Many of our hospitality laundry customers have noticed that their employment has dropped to a dramatically low level or have even been forced to cease all activities. They hope for an early recovery and we will support them in every possible way to get through these difficult times. "

During the crisis, one reduces Lapauw-team is still working on all the necessary social distancing arrangements to continue producing machines that have already been ordered, and the company is delivering equipment to customers who need it all over the world. Thanks to the open spare parts policy, a very large inventory of components in the Belgian plant and online support, no customers were able to record significant downtimes Lapauw Equipment in the past few months, even if travel was severely restricted for technicians Thanks to the company's large inventory of new and used equipment, Lapauw was also able to help some of its healthcare customers who needed additional capacity immediately.

D & # 39; heygere and Renders hope for a quick but controlled reduction in blocking measures and a quick return to a globally acceptable level of business. They are encouraged that Asian countries are back in operation and are looking forward to an upswing in orders. Economies are beginning to recover.

"All our Lapauw Companies are open and can contact us with any questions or needs. In the meantime, stay healthy and take care of yourself and each other, ”says the joint message.

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