A candy new season for JAZZ apples

Press release

April 7, 2020

Montague, after a challenging summer growing season, the Australian family company for fresh produce Montague is thrilled to deliver the first fall harvest of JAZZ ™ to retailers at national level starting this week.

"This crop of JAZZ ™ apples is one of the best ever made with fine skin, sweet taste, dense and crispy white pulp," said Scott Montague, apple producer and third generation managing director at Montague, who is JAZZ's exclusive national distributor are ™ Apples. "This is an apple that looks fantastic, stores well, has a longer shelf life and a crispy, even eating experience."

JAZZ ™ is a natural fusion of the Royal Gala and Braeburn varieties. Because of the firmness of the fruit, it offers a crunch that has made JAZZ ™ one of the most popular Australian apples. JAZZ ™ is a compact form with the subtle sweetness of a Royal Gala, combined with the fresh, spicy taste of a Braeburn, which creates a refreshing taste experience.

JAZZ ™ apples come from over 500,000 trees grown across Australia by licensed growers in Batlow (NSW), Tamar & Huon Valley (TAS), Adelaide Hills (SA), Stanthorpe (QLD), Manjimup (WA) and South Victoria orchards have been enjoying summer sun, high rainfall and rich soil.

Look for the distinctive blue label on every delicious JAZZ ™ apple.

The Fall 2020 JAZZ ™ is available to all Australians from April 7, 2020 to November or until the harvest is sold out at the following retailers Woolworths, Coles, Costco, independent quality stores, greengrocers and markets.

Source: Hatch communication.

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