PRODUCTS THAT DESTROY CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) – As seen on 3TV / Phoenix – Good Morning Arizona – Monday, March 16, 2020 – 8:45 a.m. and Saturday, March 21, 2020 – 6:45 a.m. and 9:45 a.m.

The coronavirus is surrounded by a shell that allows it to connect to other cells to infect them. If you disturb this coating, the virus cannot do it, so it cannot reproduce.

These are products that you can use that are approved and work by the CDC. Some other products that we use frequently for disinfection do not work against this virus.

Cleaning products that destroy corona virus

Soap and water
Just rubbing it with soap and water can damage the protective cover of the corona virus. Scrub your hands, don't just wash. Wash for at least 20 seconds. Throw away the towel or leave it in a bowl of soapy water for a while to destroy any surviving virus particles. The use of paper towels also works.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend a diluted bleach solution (⅓ cup of bleach per 1 gallon of water or 4 teaspoons of bleach per 1 liter of water) for virus disinfection. Wear gloves while using bleach and never mix them with ammonia or anything other than water.

Bleaching agents work extremely well against viruses. Do not store the solution for more than a few days, as bleach will damage certain plastic containers if you keep them in it.

Bleaches can also attack metal over time. Therefore, do not get used to cleaning taps and stainless steel products. Since bleaching is also hard for many worktops, you should rinse the surface with water after disinfection to avoid discoloration or damage to the surface.

Isopropyl alcohol
Alcohol solutions with at least 70 percent alcohol are effective against coronavirus. You can also buy 91% alcohol. Do not dilute the alcohol solution. Alcohol is generally safe for all surfaces.

Hydrogen peroxide
According to the CDC, hydrogen peroxide (3 percent) is effective in deactivating the rhinovirus, the cold virus, within 6 to 8 minutes after exposure. Rhinovirus is more difficult to destroy than coronaviruses, so hydrogen peroxide should be able to break down coronavirus in less time. Pour it undiluted into a spray bottle and spray it on the surface to be cleaned. However, let it sit on the surface for at least 5-10 minutes. Then swipe if you want. Safe for food preparation. If you buy the larger peroxide 32 0z, you can attach a sprayer on top and use it that way. Do not expose it to light – use an opaque container – since light destroys the peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide is not corrosive, so it's okay to use it on metal surfaces. But similar to bleaching, it can stain fabrics if you accidentally get into your clothes. It's great for getting into hard-to-reach areas. You can pour it on the surface and do not have to wipe it off as it essentially decomposes into oxygen and water.

What You Shouldn't Use Against Corona Virus

Homemade hand sanitizer
You will probably see all kinds of hand sanitizer recipes. If the shops don't get completely out of control, I wouldn't recommend doing your own. Disinfectants are tested and re-tested and manufactured according to a number of standards. You can't replicate that at home. If you have to do it, read my recipe on FB and and you MUST use 70% or 91% alcohol.

There are widespread recipes on the Internet that use vodka to fight the coronavirus. 80-Proof does not contain enough ethyl alcohol (40 percent compared to the 70 percent required) to kill the coronavirus.

Distilled white vinegar
Disinfection recommendations with vinegar are popular online, but there is no evidence that they are effective against coronavirus.

Essential oils

Essential oils are generally not effective against the corona virus, even tea tree oil, which I generally love and recommend. These oils cannot break down the envelope around the virus to kill it.

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