Newbie gardening tools that you could have forgotten

Do you have a passion for gardening this year? Here are some basic gardening tools that you must own before you start!

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If you are just starting to garden, either to eat or to create some beautiful flowers, it is helpful to know that you have everything you need to grow plants comfortably and consistently. However, many people start digging up their grass or planting the seeds only to find that they have forgotten something vital.


Gloves are easy to miss, but some can help you avoid all kinds of gardening problems. Dealing with weeds? Pull them out with gloves on. How to use barbed wire to prevent animals from eating your plants? Use gloves to protect yourself. Dig up some dirt with your bare hands? Gloves keep you perfectly clean.

Thicker gloves are extremely protective and can become an integral part of your gardening work. But even a thin pair can help you stay clean and prevent stinging plants from harming you. Some can even fend off accidental cuts with your knife or small scissors, which means you won't be as much at risk from cutting many plants at once.

Rake and hoe

Rakes are more useful than most people think, especially if you are planting and growing in your own yard. The ability to rake leaves and foliage, loosen soil, and even (somehow) down to certain areas of the soil is something any gardening, farming, or nature-loving hobbyist will find useful. They also come in a variety of shapes and sizes, with the more rugged being so versatile and durable that they are widely used on actual farms.

Hoes are similar in theory, but they can do very different tasks depending on the type of choice: some are for cutting weeds, others are perfect for digging trenches, and some are even designed to do multiple tasks at the same time.


A spade or shovel is great for digging up large areas of dirt. However, a trowel is far more maneuverable and gives you a few more options when dealing with smaller plants. Not only are they great for digging out spaces to replant, but also for building, weeding, breaking up solid earth, getting plants out of the ground without severing the roots, and doing precise work that a shovel can do perform tilt.

Getting cheap trowels isn't difficult, and usually you only need one to protect yourself for a long time. Remember that a trowel can also act as a tool for dividing wood, roots, and other plants in half if you have no other options.

A greenhouse

There are very few plants that will not benefit from a good greenhouse, especially if you are growing fruits and vegetables that require warmer temperatures. While this may not be a problem during the hot months, greenhouses are not only used to raise temperatures, but are also a great way to keep plants safe from pests, wind, and rain. Additionally, they come in many shapes and sizes so you can choose one that suits your specific needs and garden size.

Remember that a greenhouse is not always a complete walk-in shelter. If you want to keep things low-key and just want to protect a few plants, you can always set up tiny greenhouses to cover a single row of plants or even build one yourself if you really need to. You can click here for garden greenhouse styles and ideas – some of them might surprise you with how versatile they can be.

Water camp

A watering can is an obvious thing to do when gardening, but you might be surprised how many people don't own one. Without something to hold water and pour out in a controlled manner, it's easy to douse plants and drown them. On the downside, watering your plants can be incredibly difficult if you don't have a decent container at all, especially when you have to make multiple trips back inside.

It doesn't necessarily have to be a larger or even a high quality watering can, but having something that can hold water and spray effectively makes a big difference when you have to handle more than a few plants at a time.

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