21 Flowers to Plant this Moms’ Day

Fresh flowers are among the most popular ways to celebrate Mother’s Day. Each year, Americans spend billions of dollars on cut flowers for their moms, grandmothers, and wives. However, fresh bouquets aren’t the only floral gifts available for the motherly figures in our lives!

Since Mother’s Day falls on the second Sunday in May, it coincides with one of the best times of the year for planting flowers. Rather than giving a bouquet, you can pick out a few bedding plants you or your mom can plant in her garden. Just spend a few minutes tucking the plants into the ground, and your mom can enjoy beautiful flowers all summer long!

Even if you’re not planning on celebrating Mother’s Day, keep the following flowers in mind for mid-spring planting.


QIS Fiery Sunrise Blend Gomphrena Seeds


Crystal Palace Lobelia Seeds

Crystal Palace Lobelia Seeds


Crackerjack African Marigold Seeds

Crackerjack African Marigold Seeds


Close-up of blooming Ageratum houstonianum in a garden. The Ageratum houstonianum, commonly known as Flossflower, presents itself with dense clusters of fluffy, button-like flowers in shades of lavender atop sturdy stems adorned with lance-shaped leaves. The leaves are ovate to lanceolate, with serrated edges and a slightly fuzzy texture.For colorful summer blooms, try Ageratum in your garden.

Ageratum is an annual flower that works well in mixed plantings and provides beautiful cut flowers all summer long. The small flowers are covered in thin, floss-like threads, which explains why the plant is known as floss flower. You can find ageratum varieties with blue, pink, purple, and white flowers. No matter which color you choose, you’ll enjoy watching bees and butterflies flock to the small blooms.

Ageratum prefers full sun in cool areas but benefits from afternoon shade in areas with intense summer heat. The height depends on the variety, so make sure you pay attention to the seed packet or plant label before adding one of these flowers to your garden.

These plants grow best when transplanted, so look for seedlings at garden centers around Mother’s Day. If you’re planting more than one of these flowers, provide 12-18 inches of space between each plant. Select an area with well-draining soil and keep the ground moist for the first few weeks after planting.


Close-up of flowering Angelonia plants in a garden. Angelonia showcases slender stems adorned with lance-shaped, glossy green leaves that provide an elegant backdrop to its charming blooms. These flowers, arranged in dense spikes, boast a plethora of small, snapdragon-like blossoms in shades of purple.For tall, colorful blooms in the heat, consider angelonia flowers.

If you like the look of long-stemmed flowers like snapdragon and foxglove, you’ll love angelonia. These plants produce tall stems covered in flowers and thrive in the heat that sends spring bloomers packing. The blooms range in color from deep purple to bright pink to white.

Although angelonia can tolerate full sun and lots of heat, it likes its soil moderately moist. Mulching around the plants maintains moisture, but you should still water these flowers a few times a week in the summer.

Annual Geranium

Close-up of a blooming Pelargonium on a blurred green background. Pelargonium, commonly known as geranium, presents itself with robust stems adorned with scalloped or serrated leaves in shades of green. The plant produces a cluster of vibrant, five-petaled flowers emerge in hues of pink, each bloom boasting a contrasting center and delicate veining.For vibrant blooms, consider these versatile summer bedding plants.

People refer to many plants as geraniums, so it helps to break this term down into a few categories. Annual geraniums belong to the Geraniaceae family and the Pelargonium genus, which separates them from plants in the Geranium family. Annual geraniums are easy to start from seed and are commonly grown as summer bedding plants.

If you want to plant annual geraniums this Mother’s Day, pick an area with well-draining soil and full sun. These flowers grow well in the ground and pots, making them versatile plants. Once they’re in the ground, fertilize the plants once every two weeks for healthy foliage and lots of flowers.

Bee Balm

Close-up of Bee Balm plants in bloom in a sunny garden. Bee Balm, also known as Monarda, displays a striking appearance with its upright stems adorned with lance-shaped leaves. Atop these stems, clusters of tubular flowers emerge in shades of red, arranged in dense, spherical heads.Consider bee balm for vibrant, pollinator-attracting blooms in cooler climates.

If you’re looking for a perennial native flower to plant this Mother’s Day, bee balm is an excellent choice. However, it’s best suited for Mother’s Day plantings in cooler climates since it likes to fully acclimate to its new home before the summer heat arrives.

The Monarda genus contains various species, but all of these plants produce large flowers that attract pollinators, including bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Some popular species to check out include wild bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) and lemon beebalm (Monarda citriodora).

Most bee balm varieties grow two to four feet tall, so they work well as a backdrop for smaller perennial herbs like oregano and thyme or in mixed plantings with flowers like coneflower and rudbeckia. They’re relatively hardy plants as long as you provide them with at least six hours of direct sun and well-draining soil.


Close-up of flowering Calendula officinalis plants in a sunny garden. Calendula officinalis presents itself with a charming appearance, featuring bright green lance-shaped leaves that form a dense, bushy mound. Atop sturdy stems, this herbaceous plant produces cheerful daisy-like orange flowers.A bright, cheerful bloom with medicinal properties.

If you’re interested in a plant that produces cutting flowers, offers medicinal uses, and attracts pollinators, calendula is a great choice. Plus, these annual plants are easy to grow! The plants produce flowers ranging from the bright orange ‘Oopsy Daisy’ blooms to the salmon-colored ‘Zeolights.’

One of the great things about calendula is you can transplant seedlings or direct sow it in your garden. By the time mid-May arrives, the soil is warm enough for seeds to germinate, so either option works well. If you choose to direct seed, plant two to three seeds every 8-12 inches, then thin clusters of seedlings to one plant. If you transplant, space the plants 8-12 inches apart.

Calendula plants continue to bloom throughout the summer, especially if you stay on top of cutting stems and deadheading old flowers. Mature plants can tolerate about two weeks without water, but young seedlings prefer moist soil until they’re well-rooted.

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Close-up of flowering Calibrachoa plants. Calibrachoa, also known as million bells, showcases a compact and cascading growth habit, adorned with small, lance-shaped leaves that create a lush backdrop to its profusion of blooms. These petite flowers, resembling miniature petunias, are bright pink. The flowers have trumpet-shaped petals with contrasting yellow throats.A cascading flower with vibrant hues perfect for hanging baskets.

Also known by the common names million bells and mini petunia, calibrachoa is a tender trailing plant with round, bell-shaped flowers. Although calibrachoa plants look a lot like petite petunias, these two plants aren’t closely related. However, both are profuse bloomers that are easy to care for.

Since calibrachoa plants produce trailing stems, they work great as groundcovers and look beautiful cascading out of hanging baskets. You can now find many different types of calibrachoa, including those with multicolor flowers and double petals.

Although these plants are low-maintenance, they grow best if you plant them in full sun and well-draining soil. Aim to water when the top half of the potting soil is dry, about once every few days in the summer.


Close-up shot of blooming multi-colored Celosia Plumed plants on a flowerbed in a sunny garden. The Celosia Plumed variety presents a captivating sight with its striking plume-like blooms that resemble flames or feathers, rising above the foliage in vibrant bursts of color. These unique flowers come in an array of shades, including fiery red, sunny yellow, and deep purple.A unique plume-like flower known for its striking appearance.

When you look at the different types of celosia, it’s hard to believe they all belong to the same genus. Plumed varieties have multiple stalks with feathery flowers, wheat varieties feature thin single stems, and cockscomb celosia looks like a brain or fan. Regardless of which variety you choose, you’ll enjoy the plant’s heat tolerance and ability to bloom throughout the summer.

Celosia plants work well in summer cutting gardens since they produce long stems and hold up well in a vase. Remember to cut the flowers early in the morning for the longest vase life.


Close-up of flowering cosmos plants. Cosmos, with its delicate appearance and airy presence, features fern-like, feathery foliage that forms a graceful backdrop to its abundant display of daisy-like flowers. These blossoms, borne atop slender stems, come in a pink color, each with a contrasting golden center.Enjoy easy-care cosmos with stunning, wispy flowers all summer!

Cosmos are some of the easiest flowers to grow throughout the summer. They grow well in pretty much any soil type, as long as it’s well-draining. Some varieties can grow over waist tall, so they benefit from staking or trellising.

If you’re not familiar with how cosmos look, they have delicate feathery foliage and lots of large flowers with wispy petals. All cosmos flowers are round, but you can find varieties with double and multi-color petals. The plants continue to send out new flowers throughout the summer and will readily self-seed if you don’t stay on top of harvesting.


Close-up of blooming Impatiens covered with raindrops. These flowers, borne abundantly on succulent stems, come in a rich pink-purple color. The blooms are single, featuring five petals arranged symmetrically around a central point.Brighten shady spots with low-maintenance impatiens in various hues.

One of the best annual flowers for shady areas, impatiens brighten up shady house-front garden beds and patio planters. They’re low-maintenance plants that can thrive in various types of well-draining soil. However, they’re not drought-tolerant, so it’s a good idea to mulch the soil to help conserve moisture.

Impatiens have simple flowers that come in shades including white, red, pink, and peach. Since varieties vary in height, you can find short plants for dense plantings and taller plants that work well in mixed planters.


Close-up of flowering Gomphrena plants in a sunny garden. Gomphrena, also known as Globe Amaranth, presents a charming appearance with its dense clusters of globe-shaped flowers that resemble colorful pom-poms. These vibrant purple blooms arise on sturdy stems amidst lance-shaped leaves.With its adorable spherical blooms, gomphrena adds charm effortlessly.

If you ask me, gomphrena is one of the cutest flowers out there. It produces small spherical flowers, which explains why people also call it globe amaranth. The flowers hold up well in vases and also dry exceptionally well.

Since gomphrena is a compact plant, you only have to leave six to eight inches of space between plants. The plants grow best in areas with well-draining soil, and they can tolerate moderate drought once they’re well-established. The small flowers come in colors including pink, red, and white, so you can mix and match colors as you like.


Close-up of a flowering Lantana camara plant in a garden. Lantana camara, a resilient and colorful shrub, displays a profusion of small, clustered flowers in vibrant hues of orange and yellow with multi-colored blooms on a single cluster. The foliage of Lantana camara consists of dark green, serrated leaves arranged in opposite pairs along the stems.A cluster of small, colorful flowers attracting butterflies and hummingbirds.

If you live in a warm climate like Florida or Southern California, you probably know lantana as a flowering woody shrub with a sometimes sprawling form. And while these plants can become large in frost-free climates, they grow as shorter annuals in colder growing zones.

Although lantana acts as an annual in areas that receive hard frosts, the plants grow quickly. If you plant a lantana seedling on Mother’s Day, it’s quite possible for the plant to grow four or five feet tall by the time your first frost arrives. The plants’ adaptable nature and drought tolerance means they can flourish even in less than ideal environments.

Gardeners love the plants for their clusters of tiny, colorful flowers. The blooms come in shades of yellow, orange, pink, and white, and individual flower clusters often display more than one color.


Close-up of Lobelia in bloom. Lobelia, known for its delicate beauty, features slender stems adorned with lance-shaped leaves arranged alternately along the length. From these stems emerge clusters of small, blue tubular flowers.A delicate flower with vibrant blooms trailing gracefully in gardens.

If you’re on the hunt for blue flowers that excel in the heat of summer, lobelia is one of your best options. You can find lobelia varieties that produce all kinds of flower colors, but these plants are well-known for their deep blue and periwinkle blooms. When the plants receive enough light and fertilizer, they become covered in flowers.

While all lobelia produce similar-looking flowers, their growth form depends on the species and variety. Some types of lobelia grow in short yet dense mounds, others grow upright (like the native cardinal flower), and others have a trailing form that cascades out of hanging baskets or over garden walls. These species also have unique water requirements, so research each variety before planting.


Close-up of blooming Tagetes in a sunny garden. Tagetes, commonly known as marigold, presents a vibrant appearance with its sturdy stems adorned with finely divided, fern-like leaves. The flowers are medium-sized, double, with several layers of wavy petals of bright orange color with yellow edges.With marigolds’ diverse options, you’ll find one perfect for Mom!

With so many different types of marigolds, there’s a good chance you can find one that Mom will love. From African marigolds with large pom-pom flowers to dainty French marigolds, these flowers produce flowers of various sizes, shapes, and colors.

You can plant marigolds from seeds or transplants, but it’s best to start with mature seedlings if you’re planting them on Mother’s Day. Choose a location with well-draining soil and full sun, dig a hole a bit larger than the plant’s root ball, and set the plants in their new home. They’ll appreciate moist soil in the following few weeks but you can slowly decrease the amount you water.

As long as the plants stay safe from pests like aphids and free from fungal diseases, they can continue producing flowers through the fall. Remember to remove old blooms to encourage the plants to send out new flowers.


Close-up of a flowering Tropaeolum majus plant among green foliage. Tropaeolum majus, commonly known as nasturtium, showcases a captivating appearance with its trailing stems adorned with round, shield-shaped leaves of dark green color with thin white veins. Amidst the foliage, clusters of vibrant, funnel-shaped flowers in a shade of red in profusion, each bloom featuring a distinctive spur at the base.Edible and ornamental delights for your garden!

Nasturtium flowers serve double duty: they provide beautiful color to your garden and a peppery flavor to your plate. And since the plants continue producing flowers over multiple months, you’ll have a continual supply of flowers to add to your salads and sandwiches. If you aren’t interested in adding nasturtiums to your dishes, their beauty still makes them a worthwhile addition to the garden.

You can easily plant nasturtium seeds or transplants on Mother’s Day. The large seeds are easy to handle and germinate well when direct sown, but transplants let you skip ahead a few weeks. Regardless of your chosen method, make sure you plant nasturtiums in an area with well-draining soil and plenty of room to spread. 

You can find many nasturtium varieties, but you can break them down into trailing and bush types. Bush types like ‘Butterscotch’ remain compact, and trailing varieties like ‘Single Blend’ produce long stems that can climb up a trellis or cascade out of a hanging basket.


Close-up of flowering Rudbeckia plants in a sunny garden. Rudbeckia, commonly known as black-eyed Susan, presents a striking appearance with its sturdy stems adorned with lance-shaped leaves. Atop these stems, large, daisy-like flowers with prominent brown or black centers and golden-yellow petals emerge in profusion, creating a bold contrast against the foliage.A golden-hued flower adds warmth to spring and summer landscapes.

Even if you’re not familiar with the name Rudbeckia, you’ve likely seen these flowering plants before. Also known by their common name black-eyed Susans, these perennial plants all belong to the Rudbeckia genus. Since gardeners sometimes use the name black-eyed Susan to refer to some species and not others, I like to refer to this group of plants by their genus name.

Although the species and varieties differ in flower color, flower size, and plant height, they’re all hardy perennial plants. Individual species have unique ideal growing conditions; many thrive in rocky and well-drained soil, but some prefer moist soil. So, select a species that will work well in your yard.

Rudbeckia plants produce flowers for multiple months throughout the summer. Wildlife including bees, butterflies, and songbirds enjoy the flowers’ nectar, pollen, and seeds. But since the plants produce so many blooms, you don’t have to feel bad about cutting a few of the flowers for your vase.


Close-up of flowering Scabiosa plants in the garden. A bee sits on one of the flowers. Scabiosa boasts a charming appearance with its slender stems adorned with finely divided, lance-shaped leaves. Atop these stems, clusters of button-like flowers in the shade of lavender emerge in profusion, each bloom featuring a prominent central cone surrounded by fringed petals.A gardener’s delight, with vibrant blooms perfect for bouquets.

Also known as pincushion flower, scabiosa adds beauty to the garden and also serves as an excellent cutting flower. Its long stems make it beloved by backyard gardeners and florists alike, and the diverse flower colors are fun to play around with. But the plants’ round flowers with compact centers and ruffled edges are what set them apart.

If you’re interested in planting scabiosa this Mother’s Day, start with seedlings rather than seeds. The plants will flower about a month after you plant them and can continue to bloom until first frost.

The plant’s hardiness depends on the species. For example, sweet scabiosa (Scabiosa atropurpurea) is frost-sensitive and treated as an annual in most locations, but caucasian scabiosa (Scabiosa caucasica) lives as a perennial in zones 3-7

Shrimp Plant

Close-up of flowering Justicia brandegeana plants in a sunny garden. Justicia brandegeana, commonly known as shrimp plant, presents a unique and captivating appearance with its upright stems adorned with lance-shaped, glossy green leaves that provide a lush backdrop to its unusual flowers. These flowers, borne in elongated clusters resembling shrimp, feature brightly colored bracts in shades of red, pink, or orange, surrounding small, white tubular flowers.Despite the name, their blooms are simply delightful!

Don’t worry; these plants don’t smell like seafood! However, they produce cute pink and yellow flowers resembling their namesake crustaceans. The plants are native to Mexico, but you can grow them as annuals in most regions of the United States.

Shrimp plants are fast growers and can reach three feet tall by the time your first frost arrives. To help encourage the plant’s growth and flowering, plant it in a location with afternoon shade and well-draining soil. They grow equally well in containers as they do in the ground.


Close-up of a flowering Xerochrysum bracteatum plant in a garden against a blurred background of green foliage. Xerochrysum bracteatum, commonly known as strawflower, boasts a charming appearance with its upright stems adorned with narrow, lance-shaped leaves that provide a verdant backdrop to its unique flowers. These flowers, borne singly or in clusters atop the stems, feature papery petals in delicate pink, yellow and orange shades.With vibrant colors and easy care, strawflowers enhance any garden!

Strawflowers are some of the best annual flowers for any cutting garden. They’re easy to grow, face few problems, and produce beautiful flowers that you can enjoy fresh and dried. These flowers come in colors ranging from gold to bronze to pink, but all varieties produce flowers with a stiff, straw-like texture.

If you transplant strawflowers outside on Mother’s Day, you can enjoy these unique blooms for multiple summer months. Space the plants 8-12 inches apart to allow for adequate airflow. Once the plants start flowering, plan to cut the stems one to two times a week. If you have too many strawflowers to enjoy fresh, hang the stems upside down to dry.


Close-up of blooming sunflowers in the garden. The Sunflower showcases sturdy, upright stems adorned with large, broad leaves. These striking flowers resemble the sun with their golden-yellow petals radiating from a dark center disk.With easy care and quick growth, sunflowers shine bright.

While sunflowers’ impressive size and beautiful flowers may make them seem difficult to grow, they’re actually one of the easiest flowers to care for! And since they quickly germinate and thrive in the summer heat, they’re perfect for planting on Mother’s Day. You can transplant sunflowers, but direct sowing works just as well.

You can find various colors and sizes of sunflower varieties, but there are two main types of sunflowers: single-stem and branching. Single-stem varieties produce one flower per plant, and branching varieties produce multiple flowers. Therefore, branching varieties require more space to grow.

If you want to enjoy sunflowers all summer long, try succession planting. This practice involves planting a new round of sunflowers every one to three weeks. As the old plants begin to fade, the new plants will start producing flowers.

Wax Begonia

Close-up of Wax Begonia plants in flower. The Wax Begonia, known for its compact and bushy growth habit, features succulent stems adorned with glossy, rounded leaves of bright green color with finely jagged and pinkish edges. The plant produces clusters of small, waxy flowers of bright pink color, each bloom boasting five petals and a yellow center.A versatile plant with waxy leaves and vibrant blooms.

All sorts of plants belong in the Begonia genus, but all wax begonias feature thick, waxy leaves, short height, and colorful flowers. The plants can tolerate heat and humidity, making them a popular plant for container plantings and garden beds. Wax begonias can tolerate full sun in cool climates, but prefer dappled or afternoon shade in warm climates.

Wax begonias produce flowers in shades of white, red, and pink, and you can also find varieties with green or bronze foliage. If you’re looking for a unique plant, you can also find wax begonias with double-petal flowers.

These plants grow annually in most growing zones, but you can easily overwinter them indoors. Simply dig up the plants, put them in a pot, and move them indoors until the last spring frost.


Close-up of blooming zinnias in a sunny garden. Zinnias, known for their vibrant and abundant blooms, feature sturdy stems adorned with lance-shaped, rough-textured leaves that provide a lush backdrop to their captivating flowers. These flowers, available in a wide array of colors including shades of pink, yellow, and white, come in double-petaled daisy-like blooms.With a rainbow of colors, zinnias bring endless joy!

Another easy-to-grow annual flower, zinnias are popular plants for cutting gardens, fields, and planters. Since you can find zinnias of all flower shapes and colors, growing a few different varieties can make it feel like you’re growing entirely different plants.

If you’re planting zinnias on Mother’s Day, you can either direct sow the seeds or plant seedlings. Make sure to leave about a foot of space between each plant to allow for airflow and decrease the chance of fungal diseases like powdery mildew and gray mold.

If you harvest properly, Zinnias will continue to produce new flowers throughout the summer. Cut the zinnia stems just above a set of leaf nodes. These nodes will send out new flower stems and allow for an ongoing harvest.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re looking to celebrate Mother’s Day with your mom or want to treat yourself, planting flowers is a great activity. Spending an hour adding new plants and seeds to your garden will provide a colorful display of summer flowers in the 11 months ahead.

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