17 Flowers to Begin From Seed This February

As the height of winter fades behind, the excitement of spring gardening is bound to kick in. It might not be spring just yet, but that doesn’t mean you can’t plan ahead. Sow these flower seeds this February to fill your flower garden when the weather starts to warm.

The seeds you can start in February are determined by your climate zone. In warmer regions, February can be an ideal time to start sowing outdoors, especially for flowers that don’t love to be transplanted. For those in cooler zones, there are many flowers you can start sowing indoors, timing your sowing to correspond with your last frost dates.

If you haven’t already guessed, frost is the key here. Make sure you understand when your approximate last frost date will be before going through this list to check off what seeds you can start this February.

Our Favorites

Sea Shells Blend Cosmos

Sea Shells Blend Cosmos Seeds

Beaujolais Sweet Pea Seeds

Beaujolais Sweet Pea Seeds

Beaujolais Sweet Pea Seeds

Night and Day Snapdragon

Night and Day Snapdragon Seeds

Night and Day Snapdragon Seeds


Close-up of blooming Cosmos flowers in a sunny garden. Cosmos flowers (Cosmos bipinnatus) are delicate and ethereal, featuring slender stems topped with feathery foliage and daisy-like blooms. The flowers come in a wide array of colors, including shades of pink, white, and red, with contrasting yellow centers. Each flower consists of a disk-shaped center surrounded by several petals that radiate outward. The foliage is finely divided and fern-like, providing a graceful backdrop to the profusion of blooms.Cosmos flowers are ideal for pollinator and cut flower gardens, with easy care.

Pollinator gardens are incomplete without a few sunny cosmos flowers swaying in the breeze. Sitting on top of tall and sturdy stems, they are also great candidates for cut flower gardens and require very little attention to thrive.

‘Sea Shells’ and ‘Apricotta’ are popular options with a more delicate look, or you can opt for the bright and bold ‘Diablo’ or ‘Rubenza.’

Direct sowing these flower seeds is recommended, which can be done in February for those with mild winters around Zone 9 and up. Aim to plant around a week after your last frost date. If this date is past February, you can still keep plants protected by sowing indoors now and transplanting in around six weeks.

Sweet Peas

Close-up of blooming Sweet peas (Lathyrus odoratus) against a blurred green background. These climbing vines produce an abundance of colorful and ruffled flowers along their slender stems. The blooms come in a bright pink color. Each flower features a distinctive shape, with a prominent standard petal atop two wing petals and a keel petal, creating an elegant and intricate appearance.Sweet peas, ideal for Cottagecore or cut flower gardens, come in various colors.

Whether you’re interested in the Cottagecore trend or want a reliable option to fill your garden with sweet scents, sweet peas tick all the boxes. This vintage staple is another must-have in cut flower gardens, available in a range of eye-catching colors.

‘Beaujolais’ is a personal favorite for the deep purple color, offering something a little different from the traditional blends and fitting seamlessly into a goth garden. Or, look for ‘Mammoth’ sweet peas, known for their extra-large flowers.

Sweet peas are sown around six weeks before the last predicted frost, which falls in February for a few regions. Those in milder climates can sow even earlier in winter for spring flowers.


Close-up of Salvias blooming in a flower bed. These herbaceous plants feature tall, erect stems adorned with elongated spikes of tubular flowers of deep red color. Each flower is composed of a distinctive two-lipped corolla, with the upper lip forming a hood and the lower lip featuring three lobes. The foliage is dark green, with opposite leaves that vary in shape from lanceolate to ovate.These perennial garden essentials attract pollinators with their tube-shaped blooms.

Salvias are a perennial garden essential and the backbone of many of my flower beds. If you need a strong bloomer that doesn’t mind a bit of neglect, salvia is the answer. Plus, they attract masses of pollinators, including hummingbirds and butterflies.

Since blue is a relatively rare color in nature, salvias with blue flowers tend to be the most sought-after. I love ‘Big Blue’ for the contrasting deep purple flower bases, highlighting the electric blue flowers. ‘Violet Queen’ is another option, a cultivar of the Salvia × superba hybrid.

It’s best to sow your salvia flower seeds indoors to keep them protected, eight to ten weeks before your final frost (often falling in February for cold climates). Use a heating mat to warm the soil in cooler climates, as they prefer temperatures above 70F to germinate well.


Close-up of blooming Snapdragons on a blurred green garden background. These flowering plants showcase spikes adorned with pink, tubular blossoms resembling dragon heads. The flowers have a unique snap-like mechanism, allowing them to open and close when gently squeezed. The plant features lance-shaped, bright green leaves that form a lush backdrop to the vertical spikes of flowers.Snapdragons, enjoyable for kids with interactive blooms, offer edible flowers.

It’s almost impossible not to squeeze snapdragon flowers to watch them move and pop open. These interactive blooms are great for kids’ gardens, not only for this fun feature but also because the flowers are edible.

Look out for ‘Tall Maximum’ seeds that make ideal feature plants for colorful arrangements or the dramatic ‘Night and Day’ for deep hues and a spicy scent.

Starting seeds indoors is best, around eight to ten weeks before the last frost in your area. If you’d prefer to direct sow, plant around six weeks before the last frost.

Painted Daisy

Close-up of Blooming Painted Daisy in a Sunny Garden. Each flower head features a central disk surrounded by numerous thin petals in a rich red-pink hue. The foliage consists of fern-like leaves that provide an elegant backdrop to the profusion of blooms.Painted daisies, like Tanacetum coccineum, offer vivid flowers and ferny foliage.

There are so many wonderful daisies to grow in flower gardens, but Tanacetum coccineum is one of my favorites, commonly known as painted daisy. The flowers are incredibly vivid, with ferny foliage providing the perfect backdrop.

‘Robinson’s Blend’ contains a lovely mix of bright reds and pinks dotted with a few blush flowers. The longer stems on this cultivar also make them suitable for smaller cut flower arrangements.

You can start sowing these flower seeds indoors six to eight weeks before your last frost, in February in a few areas. Keep the soil warm to promote strong germination, ready for transplanting in spring.


Close-up of a blooming Verbascum in a sunny garden against a blurred green background. Verbascum, commonly known as mullein, is a distinctive biennial or perennial plant characterized by its tall, erect stems crowned with spikes of showy flowers. The flowers, borne on long, slender stalks, are yellow. Each flower has five petals arranged in a saucer-shaped configuration.Mullein thrives in sandy soil and offers showy, tall blooms for arrangements.

For something a little different, Verbascum phoeniceum – commonly known as mullein – is ideal. This species has stunning blooms on tall flower spikes that look right at home in any cut flower arrangement. They are drought-tolerant and don’t mind growing in sandy or nutrient-poor soil, perfect for adding a pop of color to tougher parts of the garden.

The cultivar ‘Shades of Summer’ is exactly as described, with flowers in white, pink, violet, and purple. Keep them in the garden or trim them to bring indoors over the spring and summer months.

Direct sowing will give young plants a stronger start, done around two to four weeks before your final frost date. However, if you live in a cooler region and still want to sow in February, you can start these flower seeds indoors eight weeks before frost. Sowing earlier increases your chances of seeing flowers in the first year.


Close-up of a blooming Foxglove (Digitalis purpurea) in a sunny garden. Foxglove is a captivating perennial plant renowned for its tall spikes adorned with tubular flowers. Each spike, rising from a basal rosette of coarse, lance-shaped leaves, bears numerous bell-shaped flowers that hang delicately from the stem. The flowers come in pink with white and yellow on their inner surfaces, marked with intricate speckles.Foxgloves are visually striking in gardens but toxic, best grown from seeds.

Foxgloves are the backbone of perennial gardens, producing structural flower spikes that come back in spring and summer each year. They have a classic look that fits well into cottage gardens or wilder landscapes. Unfortunately, they are quite toxic, so it’s best to keep them away from children and pets.

For larger flowers that really stand out in any landscape, try ‘Gloxiniiflora Blend’. The tall flower spikes can also be trimmed and brought indoors for a colorful display.

Foxgloves don’t love their roots being handled, so it’s best to direct sow around two weeks after your last frost. But you can sow these flower seeds in February indoors eight weeks before planting out, as long as you sow in biodegradable pots for easy transplanting.


Close-up of blooming Violas in a sunny garden. Viola cornuta forms compact clumps of small, heart-shaped leaves with toothed margins, serving as a verdant base for its exquisite flowers. The flowers, borne on slender stalks above the foliage, are characterized by five petals arranged in a symmetrical fashion, with two upper petals, two lateral petals, and a single lower petal. Flowers include color combinations such as white, purple, blue, and violet.Violas are versatile fillers, great for beds or containers, with various color options for planting indoors or outdoors.

Adorable violas are great fillers in the garden. Pop them into any empty gaps in your beds or use them to cover the soil at the base of a larger container. They also stand out on their own, particularly when planted in hanging baskets where their colorful flowers can be enjoyed at eye level.

There is no shortage of color options when growing these annuals. I love ‘Cool Summer Breeze’ for the combinations of blue, yellow, and white that look just like a Greek island landscape. ‘King Henry’ has a stunning deep purple hue – a truly royal color.

Sow your violas outdoors around four to six weeks before last frost or eight to ten weeks when sowing indoors. Transplant carefully to limit root disturbance and transplant shock.


Close-up of blooming Cornflowers in a sunny garden. The Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus), also known as Bachelor's Button, is a captivating annual plant esteemed for its striking blue blooms and delicate appearance. Its slender stems bear clusters of bright, sky-blue flowers with a distinctive button-like shape, each featuring a prominent dark blue center. The flowers are surrounded by finely divided, lance-shaped leaves that form a lush backdrop.Cornflowers are colorful, drought-tolerant flowers ideal for beginners, with various colors and easy self-sowing.

Commonly known as bachelor’s buttons, cornflowers are appreciated for their compact and vivid flowers. They are ideal flowers for beginners or water-wise gardens thanks to their drought tolerance, allowing them to handle a missed watering or two without struggle.

Cornflowers come in many colors, with blue one of the most popular. You’ll find sky blue colors in the ‘Blue Boy’ cultivar, or as one of many colors in the ‘Tall Blend’. For some extra drama, try the dark purple ‘Black Magic’. The self-sowing nature of these plants means you’ll get to enjoy blooms year after year.

Direct sowing is recommended around two weeks before the final frost date. Unfortunately, they don’t transplant well, but it is possible to start these flower seeds indoors in February using biodegradable pots about six weeks before the last frost.


Close-up of Pincushion 'Black Knight' in bloom in a sunny garden. This perennial flowering plant sturdy features stems topped with rounded flower heads resembling pincushions, characterized by deep, velvety purple-black petals surrounding a prominent center. The flowers stand out against a backdrop of lush, dark green foliage.Pincushions are versatile annual flowers transitioning gardens from summer to fall, with various colors and cultivars.

Typically grown as an annual, pincushions (also known as scabiosa) are the perfect flowers to transition the garden from summer into fall. These prolific bloomers produce masses of slightly spherical flowers that look just like pincushions, hence the name.

Scabiosas come in various shapes and sizes, ensuring every gardener will find a variety they love. ‘Black Knight’ is a cultivar with ruffled, almost-black flowers, contrasting with the delicate colors and forms of ‘Isaac House Blend’.

If you want your pincushions to flower as soon as possible, start your seeds indoors. Sow in a light seed starting mix around six to eight weeks before your last frost.


Close-up of blooming Marigolds in a sunny garden. These annual flowering plants boast dense clusters of daisy-like flowers atop sturdy stems, creating a burst of color in the garden. The flowers come in various shades of yellow, orange, and gold, with contrasting centers or markings. Marigold blooms feature overlapping petals. The foliage is dense and fern-like, providing a lush backdrop to the profusion of blooms.Marigolds, perfect companions in vegetable gardens, feature warm hues and are best started indoors before spring.

Marigolds are the ultimate companion plant, often used in vegetable gardens for their believed pest-repelling properties. The flowers are also edible, although you may find they don’t have the greatest taste and are better used for plating decoration than as an ingredient.

There are different marigold types, with each featuring warm hues to brighten up your summer garden. ‘Favourite Blend’ French marigolds contain a mix of single and bi-colored flowers for the best these plants can offer. Or, you can choose the more muted ‘Kilimanjaro White’ African marigold.

Marigolds grow well when sown indoors and transplanted in spring. Start your seeds around four to six weeks before the last frost occurs in your region.

Canterbury Bells

Close-up of Canterbury Bells in bloom in a sunny garden. These plants produce upright stems adorned with clusters of pendulous, bell-like flowers in a vibrant purple-lavender hue. The flowers feature five fused petals that flare out at the base, forming a charming bell shape.Ideal for perennial beds, Canterbury bells come in delicate colors and attract pollinators.

Canterbury bells (also known as bellflowers) are not the first flowers most consider growing, but they certainly deserve a place in your garden. Their height makes them ideal backdrops for perennial beds, with delicate flowers that also attract pollinators.

‘Storybook Blend’ seeds produce plants with delicate purple-blue, pink, and white flowers that fit seamlessly into any cottage garden design. Pair them with shorter, colorful annuals for masses of flowers across spring and summer.

Sowing your bellflowers early indoors will give you greater chances of seeing flowers in the first year. Sow around eight to ten weeks before your last frost or two to four weeks after frost outdoors.


Close-up of flowering Stocks (Matthiola incana) in a sunny garden against a blurred background. Stocks are beloved for their fragrant and abundant clusters of flowers that adorn tall, slender stems. These annual or biennial plants feature dense spikes of small, four-petaled flowers in shades of white, pink and purple. The flowers are densely packed along the spikes, creating a profusion of color and texture.Tall backdrop plants with scented flowers, stocks are best when sown early indoors.

Stocks are another tall plant used as a backdrop for shorter annuals and perennials. Perennials in Zone 7 and above, these plants are often grown as annuals in cooler climates and replanted each year for the best performance.

‘Column Blend’ produces an explosion of bright flowers that also have a clover-like scent. Their tall stalks work well in vases indoors, and the flowers can even be dried for a long-lasting display.

Sowing indoors is recommended around eight to ten weeks before your final frost date. In warmer regions, it’s best to sow earlier as they bloom the best in cooler weather of late winter and early spring.


Close-up of blooming Hollyhocks (Alcea rosea) in a sunny garden. Alcea rosea are striking flowering plants admired for their towering spikes of large, showy flowers. These plants feature sturdy, erect stems adorned with clusters of saucer-shaped flowers of bright red color with white centers. Hollyhocks are complemented by a basal rosette of large, lobed leaves that add lushness to the vertical spikes of blooms.Hollyhocks, resilient and adaptable, thrive in sunny spots.

With large flowers appearing on tall stems throughout summer, hollyhocks will catch your eye in the garden. Although they grow best in bright spots with consistent moisture, they are also adaptable and resilient, tolerating mistakes and forgetful watering from beginners well.

A staple of English garden design, any hollyhock cultivar will fit right into cottage gardens. ‘Indian Spring’ is a favorite for its ability to flower in the first year when grown from seed. ‘Chater’s Double’ produces adorable ruffled flowers that are also edible, although not particularly tasty.

Hollyhocks have their best start when sown directly after frost. However, if you want to get a head start on sowing these flower seeds in February, sow indoors eight weeks before the last frost and disturb the roots as little as possible when transplanting.

Sweet Alyssum

Close-up of Sweet Alyssum blooming in a hanging pot. This low-growing plant forms spreading mounds of dense foliage adorned with clusters of tiny, four-petaled flowers in shades of white.Alyssum, versatile annuals with drought tolerance and a sweet scent, ideal for fillers or ground cover.

If you haven’t planted alyssum in your garden before, you’re missing out. This annual has it all – drought tolerance, heat tolerance, a sweet scent, and pollinator-attracting flowers. I use them often as filler plants in beds or containers, but they also make a great compact ground cover when planted en masse.

For a classic white hue, ‘Tiny Tim’ is the go-to. If you’re looking for a pop of color, opt for brighter cultivars like ‘Allure Pastel Blend’ and ‘Oriental Nights’. Blooming almost all year round, you’ll never be short on flowers when growing these plants.

If you prefer to direct sow, wait until about two weeks before your last frost to get them in the ground. In lower zones, sow indoors around six weeks before your last frost.


Close-up of blooming Larkspurs in a garden against a blurred green background. The plant produces tall, elegant spikes of showy flowers. These plants feature sturdy, upright stems adorned with densely packed clusters of spurred blossoms in shades of blue and purple.Tall with colorful spikes, Larkspurs thrive in cooler weather, perfect for February sowing outdoors.

Larkspurs grow several feet tall, with long flower spikes dotted with colorful blooms from spring to summer. They thrive in cooler weather, potentially flowering through to fall if summer temperatures are moderate. Thanks to the tall stems, they also work well in cut flower arrangements.

You’ll find a variety of colors in the ‘Galilee Blend’, growing to an impressive four feet in height. For more harmony in your color palette, opt for ‘Shades of Blue’.

Larkspurs germinate better in cooler temperatures (55F or below), making them ideal for sowing in February. Sow outdoors as soon as the soil is workable, as they don’t transplant well after sowing indoors.


Close-up of flowering Echinacea plants in a sunny garden. These plants feature sturdy stems topped with large, daisy-like flowers characterized by prominent, cone-shaped centers surrounded by colorful ray petals. The cone centers, composed of disk florets, are dark brown-orange, while the ray petals radiate outward in shades of pink and purple. The plant is complemented by lance-shaped leaves arranged alternately along the stems.Coneflowers, native pollinator magnets, thrive in groups, with various cultivars offering unique colors.

Coneflowers are native pollinator magnets with stunning flowers that provide ornamental interest throughout the seasons. They flower prolifically, even in tough conditions, and look their best when planted in groups.

Purple coneflowers are a garden favorite, but they certainly aren’t the only option. Cultivars like ‘Paradiso Dwarf Blend’ and ‘White Swan’ offer unique colors with a twist on the beloved purple native.

When sowing indoors, you can start as early as 12 weeks before your last frost date. Outdoors in warmer regions, aim for around two to four weeks before the last frost.

Final Thoughts

Even with a chill in the air, February is the perfect time to get started on your spring and summer gardens with these 17 flowers.

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