13 Potted Herbs You Can Develop Indoors for Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving dinner is arguably one of the most fussed-about meals of the year. Our families are gathered, and good food is abundant. If you’d like fresh herbs for this year’s Thanksgiving dinner, you’ll be glad to know many types grow great indoors!

Growing indoors is one way to cut down costs on your grocery bills while also having plenty of fresh herbs at your fingertips whenever you need them. Luckily for all of us, growing herbs inside is fairly simple. 

In this article, I have listed 13 herbs you can grow in pots indoors that can also enhance the flavors of your Thanksgiving dinner. 

Bay Laurel 

Adorning a wooden table is a potted Bay Laurel plant. Its glossy, green leaves and sturdy stems add character to the setting, set against a clean white wall as the background.
During spring, bay laurel trees bear yellow flowers that eventually become glossy black berries.

botanical name

Laurus nobilis 
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade 

12-40 feet 
hardiness zones


Bay laurel, which produces bay leaves, is an evergreen tree that grows nicely indoors and out. The leaves from this tree are harvested and used in a variety of dishes. In the spring, the bay laurel will produce yellow flowers, which mature into shiny black berries. Unfortunately, the berries are not edible despite being very pretty to look at! 

Bay leaves can be used to flavor broths that can be used to cook Thanksgiving potatoes, stuffing, or other vegetable dishes. Add bay leaves to your gravy for an extra flavor boost. 

Bay laurel plants can be purchased as bare-root plants or potted plants from a nursery. The beauty of planting bay laurel in a container is that you can move it indoors or outdoors as your needs and weather change. Use well-draining soil in your container, and situate your plant in a sunny area. 


Positioned by a sunlit window, a potted chives plant in a transparent container thrives. Its slender, green leaves reach for the light, creating a lively contrast to the outdoor view.
These leaves offer a subtle onion taste and enhance your dishes with a touch of color.

botanical name

Allium schoenoprasum
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade 

1-2 feet 
hardiness zones


Chives are a member of the onion family. This cool-season perennial produces flavorful, aromatic leaves and pretty yet petite purple flowers. The leaves have a very subtle onion flavor, adding a nice dash of color to your dishes. 

Chives can be used as a garnish on any Thanksgiving dish. However, they are commonly used in potato dishes, such as mashed potatoes or roasted potatoes, to add color and a pop of flavor. 

Choose a cute little pot with drainage holes for your chive seeds. Fill the pot with a houseplant potting soil. Plant your chive seeds at a depth of ¼”. You will probably only need about 10 seeds to fill your pot. Keep the soil moist and in full sun. You should have chives ready for your meal in about 1-2 months. 

Dill ‘Tetra’

Placed on a white table, a ceramic pot houses a thriving homegrown dill herb. Its feathery, fragrant leaves are prominently displayed. In the background, another dill pot with visible roots adds depth, and a gardening tool completes the scene.
This dill variety features frilly leaves with an anise-like flavor.

botanical name

Anethum graveolens
sun requirements

Full sun 

2-3 feet 
hardiness zones


Dill is a very loved herb. The frilly leaves have an anise flavor, and the plant produces flat umbels of yellow flowers. The leaves are best served fresh but can also be dried or frozen. 

Dill is commonly used in soups, egg, or fish dishes. However, it is a fresh addition to any vegetable dishes or even your stuffing

Select a container that is deep and has drainage holes. Many tall, narrow pots on the market would work nicely for dill without taking up too much windowsill or counter space. Fill the container with soil, and press your dill seeds into the soil’s surface. Harvest the leaves at any point before your dill flowers. If you want to collect seeds from your plant, let the plant go to flower for about three weeks. Remove the flower and allow it to dry by hanging it upside down with the head secured inside a paper bag. The seeds will fall out on their own. 

Fennel ‘Finocchio’

A close-up captures the lush, feathery leaves of fresh fennel plants against a black backdrop. Its leaves are vibrant green in color; a testament to nature's abundance, promising culinary delights and aromatic experiences to come.
To cultivate fennel indoors, choose a deep pot that accommodates the bulb and roots.

botanical name

Foeniculum vulgare
sun requirements

Full sun 

2-4 feet tall 
hardiness zones


Fennel is a delicious and beautiful plant to add to your indoor or outdoor vegetable garden. The beauty of fennel is that you can eat every single part of the plant: the leaves, bulb, and flowers. 

You can incorporate fennel in cooking in a variety of ways. Use the leaves like any fresh herbs: in sauces, cooked into the dish, or as a garnish. The leaves have a citrusy flavor. Eat the sliced bulb raw in salads or roasted alongside other autumn veggies, such as sweet potatoes. You can even use the bulb to stuff your turkey. 

To grow fennel indoors, you must select a deep pot that can support the fennel bulb and its roots. Fill your container with all-purpose potting soil and plant a few seeds ¼ inches deep.  Seedlings will emerge in about two weeks. Harvest fennel leaves as needed, while the bulb will be ready to harvest when the base of the stem swells. 


A close-up of young Marjoram herb sprouts reveals delicate branches with tiny green leaves. These tender leaves show signs of healthy growth against a background of a glass window.
Similar to oregano in flavor, marjoram has a long history of use in America.

botanical name

Origanum majorana 
sun requirements

Full sun

1-2 feet 
hardiness zones


Marjoram has deep English roots and traveled to America with the English in the early days of settling. 

Marjoram is similar to oregano in flavor but more mild. You can stuff your turkey with marjoram sprigs or tuck it under the bird’s skin. Marjoram adds a nice flavor to potatoes and stuffings as well. 

Marjoram grows nicely indoors and out. If you have been growing it outdoors, you can bring it inside when the weather cools off.

To start it from seed, select a container with drainage holes and fill it with well-draining potting soil. Press the seeds into the soil’s surface and prepare for germination in about two weeks. Harvest the leaves as needed. Use fresh or dried. 


A close-up of lemon mint, potted in a large white ceramic container, showcases vibrant, serrated leaves. The plant basks in the sun's rays on a bright windowsill, highlighting its lush foliage.
Versatile and tasty, mint grows well in containers.

botanical name

Mentha spp. 
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade

1-2 feet 
hardiness zones


For most herb growers, mint is a must-have. You can use its aromatic leaves in cocktails, desserts, and even savory dishes

Mint makes a great fresh addition to homemade cranberry sauce or cranberry chutney. There is a variety of mint, orange mint, that has a bit of a citrusy flavor and aroma and would be perfect for Thanksgiving. 

Many gardeners grow mint in containers because it spreads aggressively. Indoors, this is less of a concern, but robust growth and tenacity make mint an ideal kitchen window herb.

Choose a pot that suits your kitchen, ensuring that there are drainage holes. Bring in your plants from outdoors or start new plants by seed. Press your mint seeds into the surface of the potting soil and water. You will see seedlings in about two weeks. Keep your mint in a well-lit area and harvest as needed.   


Potted Oregano herb stands out with its rich green leaves and sturdy stems, nestled in a brown pot on a sunlit windowsill. The backdrop of a glass window bathes the herb in a bright, nurturing environment.
These leaves are suitable for culinary use when fresh or dried.

botanical name

Origanum vulgare 
sun requirements

Full sun 

1-3 feet 
hardiness zones


Oregano is an easy-to-grow woody herb. The leaves may be small, but they are very aromatic. Your oregano plants will produce purple flowers from the middle of summer into the fall. Oregano leaves can be used dried or fresh in your culinary dishes.

You may think of oregano as being classically used in Greek or Italian dishes, and you are correct about that. Oregano makes its way to our Thanksgiving tables in stuffing or through the main dish: turkey. It’s also prevalent in several side dishes we enjoy during the holiday season.

Select a pot at least 12 inches in diameter for your oregano to spread happily. Your pot should also have plenty of drainage holes at the bottom. Epic grow bags are a great choice for outdoor oregano growing, but for indoor use, you’ll need to place them into a larger shallow pan or tray to catch any water that drains through the potting media.

Fill your container with an organic potting mix, and gently press the seeds into the soil surface. Place your container in a spot that gets about six hours of sunlight per day. Seedlings will emerge in about two weeks. Harvest the leaves regularly and use them fresh or dry for later use. 


A close-up of growing parsley seedlings in a large transparent container showcasing their fresh, vibrant leaves. These indoor parsley plants flourish, with other thriving parsley companions in the background.
Among herbs, parsley stands out as one of the most widely utilized and adaptable options.

botanical name

Petroselinum crispum
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade 

10 inches to 1 foot 
hardiness zones


Parsley is another must-grow herb. You can select curly-leaved parsley or the more popular and versatile flat-leaf parsley. 

Parsley is likely one of the most widely used and versatile herbs. It can be used as a garnish, in stuffing, or added to your mashed potatoes. 

Growing parsley is as easy as it can be. Find a container with drainage holes. Even a seed-starting tray will work! Fill with potting soil and press the seeds ¼” into the dirt. Water, and keep in the sun. Harvest the leaves as needed, but don’t forget to use the stems in stocks and soups. 


Placed on a wooden windowsill, a healthy rosemary plant displays its needle-like, green leaves. It thrives in a decorative pot, basking in the natural light streaming in from the window.
To start a new indoor garden rosemary plant, you’ll require a sizable container with proper drainage.

botanical name

Rosmarinus officinalis 
sun requirements

Full sun 

2-6 feet 
hardiness zones


Rosemary can be grown as a perennial in warm zones, but you can keep it going even in cold climates if you bring your containers indoors!

Rosemary is a great herb to flavor turkey or enhance roasted root vegetables. If you use it with lemons to stuff the turkey, it will hold up nicely and be easy to remove when the roasting process is complete. 

If you are starting a fresh plant for your indoor garden, you will need a large plant with drainage holes. Scatter seeds on the top of the soil in your container, or purchase a plant from a nursery. Keep your rosemary in full sun and allow the soil to dry out before watering again. 


A close-up of a woman delicately trimming the vibrant, serrated leaves of a Sage herb plant with scissors. The brown pot, brimming with rich dark soil, cradles the flourishing herb, sitting on a sunlit window sill.
This versatile herb not only provides a wealth of flavor but also possesses an appealing aesthetic quality.

botanical name

Salvia officinalis 
sun requirements

Full sun 

1-2 feet 
hardiness zones


When I think of herbs and Thanksgiving, my first thought is sage. This mellow herb packs a lot of flavor, is pretty enough for a garnish, and can be used in just about any of your main course dishes. 

Sage adds a warm flavor to gravy, stuffing, and your turkey. The leaves can be used fresh or dried. 

Sage is pretty enough to grow indoors year-round. Consider selecting a decorative, self-watering container. The pretty and functional Marly container from Epic Gardening is stackable for maximum herb production in limited space. Fill your container with soil, and press your sage seeds ¼” into the soil. You should notice seedlings emerging within two weeks. Harvest the leaves as needed. 


A close-up of two potted Thyme plants, their green leaves and delicate stems intertwining gracefully. The pot is a rustic brown, housing dark, fertile soil, and they are tastefully displayed on a white table.
If space is limited, thyme is an excellent indoor herb choice due to its slow growth.

botanical name

Thymus vulgaris 
sun requirements

Full sun 

6 inches to 1 foot 
hardiness zones


Thyme is a beautiful herb that is easy to grow and use. Use thyme leaves fresh, dried, or even frozen in a bit of olive oil. 

Thyme can be used in many ways for your Thanksgiving meal. Use it in your green bean casserole, stuffing, and in your fresh bread rolls. 

Thyme is a great herb to grow indoors if you do not have a lot of space. This herb is slow-growing, and you can start out with a smaller container; just make sure there are holes for drainage! Plant your thyme seeds ¼” deep in potting soil. Place your container in the full sun in a dry area.


A close-up of a thriving Watercress herb in a brown pot, where young, vibrant sprouts emerge from the rich brown soil. The pot is thoughtfully placed in a wooden area, giving the herb a natural backdrop.
These leafy greens are versatile in both raw and cooked dishes.

botanical name

Nasturtium officinale
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade 

10-14 inches 
hardiness zones


Watercress, found living wildly among river banks, is the most nutrient-dense vegetable on the planet. These leafy greens are easy to grow and easy to add to dishes!

Watercress can be consumed raw or cooked. Add it to fresh salads for a pepper flavor. You can also sautee the greens in the same way that you would sautee spinach. 

Watercress is easily sown into potting soil about ¼” deep. Once your plants have emerged, you need to keep your plants wet.  You can place a deep saucer under your potted watercress filled with water to ensure that the soil does not dry out. Snip watercress as you need it for your dishes. 

Winter Savory 

A close-up of a potted Winter Savory plant, adorned with small, delicate white and light purple blooms and slender branches. Its narrow, glossy leaves add to its charm, making it a beautiful addition to any garden.
With a flavor akin to thyme with a hint of mint, winter savory complements a variety of recipes.

botanical name

Satureja montana 
sun requirements

Full sun 

6 inches to 1-foot 
hardiness zones


Winter savory is a woody herb that can be grown indoors or outdoors. This plant is typically grown for its culinary use of the leaves, but it is also an attractive ornamental. 

The flavor of winter savory is similar to that of thyme with a mint twist. Use winter savory with your turkey or in rich dishes like stuffing. 

Once you have selected a pot with drainage holes, fill it with potting soil and scatter seeds on top of the soil. Germination will take place within two weeks. Harvest leaves before your savory flowers for the best flavor.  

Final Thoughts

Planting herbs indoors for Thanksgiving will take a bit of planning. If it’s too late to start seeds, you may still be able to find nursery starts in garden centers. Consider planting some of these herbs together in one large planter. You can use this as a centerpiece for your meal or as a decoration for another area of your home. Remember to keep your herbs in the sunniest spot you have or use a grow light.

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