21 Bushes With Spectacular Fall Colour

Autumn is my favorite time of year. The cooling weather, mingled with the excitement of upcoming holidays, football games, tailgates, and children reconnecting with their schoolmates, are all wonderful aspects of fall. If you love the season like I do, the changing colors of fall leaves on the trees are a welcome sight.

 It is this time of year when so many deciduous trees burst into (figurative) flames, brightening the landscape as they offer one final blaze of glory before entering their winter dormancy. The warm colors of fall- reds, golds, oranges, and purples, appear on trees with a vibrance reserved especially for this time of year. 

Fall leaves don’t change color so much as show us the beauty they have been hiding all along. Deciduous trees produce less and less chlorophyll as the number of daylight hours shortens. As the green begins to fade, the glorious colors that lie beneath start to show through. 

If you’re looking for a tree to add some brilliant fall color to your landscape, some excellent specimens grow in just about every climate in the United States. Even for those living in states farther south, there are a handful of trees with fall color that look stunning in the garden. Here are 21 trees with absolutely wonderful fall colors.

American Beech

This slow-growing but majestic shade tree thrives in multiple soil types but is sensitive to drought.

botanical name

Fagus grandifolia
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade

hardiness zones


If you have the space to spare and the time to wait for it to grow, American beech is a stunning shade tree that also brings beauty to the yard. This large tree can reach heights of up to 70’ but only grows about one to two feet per year, so it takes time to reach its full height. This is a tree that will be enjoyed for generations to come. 

American beech is tolerant of different soil compositions, but it is very drought-sensitive. Full sun will give you the greatest amount of growth. The broad, dense canopy changes to a stunning golden bronze in the fall. The sheer size of this tree means that it will light up the landscape with a luminous fall color. 

Amur Maple

Close-up of bright multi-colored foliage of an Acer ginnala tree in a spring garden. Acer ginnala, commonly known as Amur Maple, is a small deciduous tree. It has a multi-stemmed growth habit with an upright, rounded crown. The leaves are simple and opposite, resembling small, three-lobed shapes with serrated edges. The leaves transition from their summer green to brilliant shades of fiery red, orange, and purple.Amur maple offers spring flowers, summer foliage, and striking fall colors for year-round interest.

botanical name

Acer ginnala
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade

hardiness zones


This maple provides a lot of interest throughout the year, with small, fragrant flowers in spring and shiny green foliage complemented by red, winged fruits in summertime. It is fall when Amur maple looks its best, though. The attractive, tri-lobed leaves burst into flaming oranges and reds, lighting up the landscape with the glowing colors of sunset. 

Amur maple is typically grown as a small tree or large shrub, reaching about 20’ tall at maturity. This native to Asia makes a good windbreak or focal point in the yard. It has thin, branching roots, so it won’t interfere terribly with other plants nearby. 

Note: Amur maple is considered invasive in some parts of the United States. It should only be planted in spaces where the seedlings will be eradicated, either by mowing or other means.

Apple Serviceberry

Close-up of a flowering Amelanchier x grandiflora tree, commonly known as Serviceberry, against a blue sky. The leaves are simple and alternate, resembling elongated ovals with serrated edges. They come in vibrant shades of green, orange and red. The tree produces clusters of small, five-petaled, white flowers.It’s a smaller, slow-growing tree with an attractive growth habit and smooth grey bark, making it a great landscaping option.

botanical name

Amelanchier x grandiflora
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade

hardiness zones


Apple Serviceberry is a member of the Rose family with wonderful four-season interest, making it a fabulous landscaping choice. In spring, it boasts a plethora of small white blossoms, which give way to attractive blue-green leaves and reddish-purple berries in the summer. 

The leaves turn brilliant reddish-orange, lighting up the garden. If you are looking for a pretty tree that won’t take over or cast too large a shadow on your garden, apple serviceberry is a wonderful choice. It’s an ideal addition to your edible and ornamental landscape.

It has an upright, vase-shaped growth habit and tops 20-25’ tall with a spread of about eight to ten feet. It is a slow grower that can be kept smaller if desired. Smooth grey bark makes this tree visually appealing even after the leaves fall.

Bald Cyprus

Close-up of branches of a Taxodium distichum tree, commonly known as Bald Cypress, against a blurred green background. The leaves of Bald Cypress are linear and needle-like, arranged in flat sprays that are feathery in appearance. The once-green needles transition to shades of copper, orange, rusty brown, and rich cinnamon.Their remarkable fall colors can even be seen in warm climates, with shades of gold, orange, and rusty brown.

botanical name

Taxodium distichum
sun requirements

Full sun

up to 120’
hardiness zones


Cypress trees are often considered swamp plants, as this is where you are most likely to see large groupings of the trees. Their knobby knees protrude from the water’s surface among the wide trunk bases. These trees can handle standing water like nobody’s business. 

Interestingly enough, bald cypress trees don’t need this swampy environment to thrive. It just happens to be where they multiply best. They actually make very nice backyard trees, and their fall color is remarkable. 

A wonderful thing about these trees is that they will bring fall colors even to warm climates that don’t typically see this phenomenon. Even in Florida, bald cypress will show off shades of gold and orange, gradually turning to a rusty brown. 

Black Tupelo

Close-up of colorful autumn leaves of the Nyssa sylvatica tree. The leaves of Nyssa sylvatica are simple and alternate, characterized by their oval to elliptical shape with smooth margins. In the fall, the Black Gum tree undergoes a remarkable transformation, showing a vivid palette of warm and fiery colors.The once-green leaves turn into brilliant shades of red, fiery orange, vibrant yellow, and occasionally even rich purple.In autumn, their deep green leaves transform into a vibrant array of purple, red, orange, yellow, and scarlet colors.

botanical name

Nyssa sylvatica
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade

hardiness zones


Famous for the honey made from their flowers, black tupelo trees highlight the landscape with attractive foliage and uniquely furrowed bark on mature trees. They are moderate growers and can be quite tall at maturity, although it may take 20 years to reach maturity. In spring, the flowers bloom in shades of white and green and mature into purple fruits in late summer. 

If the soil is too alkaline, leaves can take on a chlorotic appearance, so give black tupelo trees plenty of acidic, organic material. In fall, a thick layer of pine bark mulch will keep the foliage looking its best. 

Speaking of the foliage, the deep green, glossy leaves light up the garden in fall with a rainbow of colors. Leaves can turn purple, red, orange, yellow, and scarlet, sometimes all on the same branch. 

Crape Myrtle

Close-up of a flowering Lagerstroemia tree in a garden, against a blue sky. The leaves of Lagerstroemia are simple, opposite, and lance-shaped, with smooth margins. They are medium green during the growing season, forming an attractive canopy. Lagerstroemia produces clusters of showy, crepe-textured flowers. These flowers are bright pink.Plant a crape myrtle tree in full sun for stunning summer flowers and colorful autumn foliage.

botanical name

sun requirements

Full sun

up to 25’
hardiness zones


For true year-round interest, consider adding a crape myrtle tree to your garden—plant one of these flashy trees in full sun for the most color in summer and fall. The most spectacular season for crape myrtles is summer, with large panicles of brightly colored flowers hanging from long, flexible branches that take on a weeping quality when in bloom from the sheer weight of the flowers. 

Once the flowers fall and the days begin to shorten, crape myrtle trees show off once again. You can expect a myrtle with white flowers to show off yellow leaves as temperatures cool, while trees that bloom in shades of pink, red, or purple will have orange and red fall foliage. The bark will take on a lovely peeling habit as this tree matures, making this plant a beauty year-round.


Close-up of red purple leaves of a Cornus tree. The leaves of Dogwood trees are simple and opposite, meaning they are arranged in pairs along the branches. They have an elliptical or oval shape with smooth margins.This tree dazzles in spring with its white blossoms.

botanical name

sun requirements

Partial shade

up to 40’
hardiness zones


In spring, dogwood trees are a marvel with their soft, white, four-petaled blossoms. These wonderful ornamental trees are a cloud of flowers before they leaf out in late spring. In cooler climates, dogwood trees can tolerate full sun, but they will grow best in partial shade farther south. You can even grow it in a full-shade garden.

One thing dogwood trees won’t tolerate is dry soil. These trees will do best in climates where rainfall is regular and consistent. The fall season allows dogwood trees to show off, outdoing most trees in the landscape as their leaves blush a deep vermillion. 

Eastern Redbud

Close-up of red and yellow leaves of an Eastern Redbud tree. The branches form a spreading and slightly weeping growth habit. The leaves are simple and alternate. They are broadly heart-shaped (cordate) with a smooth margin. Each leaf has a pointed tip and a relatively smooth texture.Cercis canadensis shifts from crimson to green leaves in summer, then turns golden in fall.

botanical name

Cercis canadensis
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade

hardiness zones


Eastern redbud is a stunner from the time it enters its growth period until the last leaf falls in autumn. In spring, it blooms profusely with rose-pink flowers. The leaves start out crimson, changing to deep green in summer before fading to glowing gold. 

This medium-sized tree has a moderate growth rate, making it a perfect shade tree in the front or backyard. In warmer climates, a bit of shade in the afternoon will keep the Eastern redbud looking its freshest. Cooler climates can see this plant in full sun for the best flowering.

Eastern redbud is not picky about soil but doesn’t like to dry out. Drought tolerance is not on the list of this tree’s qualities. However, it grows in a wonderful, rounded shape, and its flowers and seeds are a valuable food source for pollinators and birds. 


Close-up of a Honey Locust tree in an autumn garden. The Honey Locust is a deciduous tree that exhibits a unique growth habit. The branches grow in a spreading or ascending fashion, creating a broad and irregularly shaped crown. The leaves of the Honey Locust are pinnately compound, meaning that each leaf is composed of multiple leaflets arranged along a central stem (rachis). Each leaflet is small, oval in shape, and has a smooth margin.This large, long-lived deciduous tree has an open canopy with delicate leaves.

botanical name

Gleditsia triacanthos
sun requirements

Full sun

hardiness zones


This large deciduous tree is a long-lived member of the legume family. Long seed pods mature in late summer, providing a good food source for overwintering wildlife. Some varieties have thorns, but thornless varieties make excellent landscape trees. This is a hardy tree with an open canopy and small, delicate leaves that allow sunlight to come through so it won’t overshadow your lawn or other garden plants.

In terms of the environment, Honeylocust trees are very hardy. Soil composition is not problematic as this tree can tolerate most soil types, including those with a high salt content, and is quite drought tolerant. In autumn, the attractive foliage fades from green to yellow. The arrangement and size of the leaves add a nice textural element to the landscape. 

Japanese Stewartia

Close-up of red leaves of a Stewartia pseudocamellia tree in a garden. Stewartia pseudocamellia, commonly known as the Japanese Stewartia or Korean Stewartia. Japanese Stewartia is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree known for its elegant and symmetrical growth habit. It has a single, straight trunk with branches that form a well-balanced canopy. The leaves are simple and alternate. They are broadly oval with serrated edges and pointed tips.This beautiful tree has beautiful white summer blooms and displays vibrant red foliage in autumn.

botanical name

Stewartia pseudocamellia
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade

hardiness zones


Japanese stewartia gets its Japanese name, Natsu Tsubaki, meaning “summer camellia,” from the appearance of its flowers. Both are members of the Theaceae (tea) family, but while camellias typically bloom in winter, stewartia’s pretty white flowers bloom in midsummer. This is another tree with attractive peeling bark, creating interest throughout the winter when the tree is dormant. 

This is not an especially tolerant tree, but it is lovely if you can meet its environmental needs. Moist soil that is well-drained and organically rich is best. Rocky, clay, and dry soils are not right for this tree, and these are not drought-tolerant either. The leaves blush from the outside inward, turning bright red in the fall, making this tree a focal point in the landscape.

Quaking Aspen

Close-up of a garden with growing Quaking Aspen trees. Quaking Aspen trees are known for their slender, upright, and relatively tall stature. The leaves are small and nearly circular with finely serrated margins. The green leaves of Quaking Aspen transition to a brilliant golden yellow.This remarkable tree thrives in full to partial sun and displays golden leaves.

botanical name

Populus tremuloides
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade

hardiness zones


Quaking aspen is a fascinating tree with many interesting characteristics to boast. For one thing, it has the largest range of any tree in North America. It also grows in clones, is the largest living organism known to man, and is one of the oldest, about 8,000 years old! It is a large tree and a fast grower to boot. 

Full to partial sun is best for this aspen. It is not picky about soil but needs moisture to thrive. The name is derived from the pleasant sound made by the gentle swaying of the tree in the wind. Quaking aspen will be one of the first trees to re-emerge after a forest fire. In autumn, the leaves atop this tall, thin tree are a glowing golden shade. 

Red Maple

Close-up of bright red leaves of an Acer rubrum tree in an autumn garden. The leaves of Red Maple are simple and opposite, meaning they are arranged in pairs along the branches. They are three-lobed, with serrated margins.Red maple is a colorful tree with bright red, yellow, and orange hues when temperatures cool.

botanical name

Acer rubrum
sun requirements

Full sun

hardiness zones


The name says it all in terms of color, and red maple isn’t just pretty in autumn. New branches, flowers, and leaves are both bright red in spring, and leaves gradually take on more of a green tone in summer. In the fall, leaves turn back to their bright red with some yellow and orange tones as well. This large maple with a moderate to fast growth rate makes an excellent shade tree. 

Red maple is tolerant of poorly drained soil and compacted soil. It does prefer soil that is quite acidic. Alkaline soil will result in manganese deficiency, which can be easily identified by yellowing leaves with darker green veining. These trees are salt-sensitive, so they are not well suited to coastal areas.

River Birch

Close-up of yellow leaves of the Betula nigra tree, commonly known as River Birch. The leaves of Betula nigra are simple and alternate. They are diamond-shaped or ovate with serrated edges.This tree tolerates poor drainage, flooding, and salt, offering papery peeling bark as it ages.

botanical name

Betula nigra
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade

hardiness zones


As its name implies, river birch is a water-loving tree. Tolerant of poorly draining soil, this tree can often grow on river banks. It stands up well to occasional flooding and doesn’t mind salt. The peeling, papery bark of the rover birch is another element of interest in the landscape. As the tree ages, the peeling intensifies, revealing warm cinnamon brown beneath the aging silver bark. 

River birch is appreciated for its moderate to fast growth rate. At maturity, it is a large tree with native roots in North American flood plains and swamps. This is a great tree for yard areas with less-than-ideal drainage situations. The fall foliage is stunning shades of golden yellow and remains on the tree until late fall to early winter.


Close-up of autumn leaves of a Sassafras tree. Sassafras tree exhibits a striking display of autumn foliage with leaves that turn vibrant shades of yellow, orange, red, and purple. The leaves vary in shape, with some having simple oval or mitten-shaped forms, while others are tri-lobed, resembling mittens with three distinct lobes.This charming medium-sized tree boasts fast growth and distinctive tri-lobed leaves.

botanical name

sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade

hardiness zones


If the name alone doesn’t tickle your fancy, the tree definitely will. Sassafras is a lovely medium-sized tree with a fast growth rate and unique, tri-lobed leaves. It is known to have a host of medicinal and health-related benefits, and perhaps its most famous use as the root in root beer!

Sassafras prefers acidic soil that is moist and organically rich. Clusters of yellow flowers in spring give way to blue fruits. This tree grows in a rounded shape as a single-trunked tree or a shrub. On one tree, it will wow in autumn with foliage that is yellow, orange, red, and purple hues!

Shagbark Hickory

Close-up of yellow leaves of a Carya ovata tree in an autumn garden. The leaves are compound, pinnately compound, meaning they consist of multiple leaflets arranged in a feather-like pattern along a central stem. Each leaf has 5 to 7 leaflets, which are lance-shaped and serrated along the edges. The leaves turn brilliant shades of golden yellow.This tree attracts various wildlife and bats in its native environment.

botanical name

Carya ovata
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade

hardiness zones


Shagbark hickory is a distinctive tree because of its bark, which has a shaggy appearance, as its name suggests. The bark is loosely layered and appears to peel upwards in long strips. Many animals like to call these trees home, including bats, which love to eat mosquitoes! They are relatively slow growers, taking about 40 years to mature. 

Hickory nuts are edible for humans and animals. When eaten fresh, they taste buttery, similar to a pecan. A shagbark hickory grown in full sun will have an orange tint in fall, gradually fading to a wonderful golden yellow. This is a wonderfully beautiful tree with a long lifespan of 200-300 years. 

Shumard Oak

Close-up of Quercus shumardii, commonly known as Shumard Oak. The leaves of Shumard Oak are simple and alternate, with deeply lobed margins. Each leaf typically has seven to nine pointed lobes and a sinuate (wavy) shape along the margins. The leaves turn brilliant shades of fiery red to deep crimson, creating a striking contrast against the green landscape.This large tree thrives in urban and suburban settings, displaying stunning fiery red-orange leaves.

botanical name

Quercus shumardii
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade

hardiness zones


Shumard oak is a delightful medium to large tree with wonderful versatility. It is tolerant of urban pollution and compacted soil, making it ideal for urban and suburban areas. It has a decently fast growth rate, creating a nice shade canopy early on, with the lower branches being predominantly horizontal. 

This oak has long (7”) leaves and significant acorns, which serve as food for many small animals. It is tolerant of short periods of drought and flooding, and wind won’t be an issue for this tree either. Shumard brings the drama in fall with fiery red-orange leaves that tend to be brighter at the margins. 

Sugar Maple

Close-up of Acer saccharum leaves. Acer saccharum, commonly known as Sugar Maple, is a deciduous tree. The leaves of Sugar Maple are palmately lobed and have five distinct, sharply pointed lobes. The leaves transition to vibrant and rich colors, including brilliant shades of yellow, orange, red, and deep crimson.This maple tree offers leaves transitioning from green to a spectacular yellow, orange, red, and deep violet brown spectrum.

botanical name

Acer saccharum
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade

hardiness zones


Maple trees are all so lovely it is difficult to choose just one to add to the garden. Sugar maple is a medium to large maple tree with a rounded, upright growth habit that creates a wonderful shade tree. It has a slow to moderate growth rate, so it will take quite some years before it reaches maturity, but it is an attractive tree nonetheless. 

Sugar maple is best known as the source of maple syrup. The syrup can be harvested from these trees in the northern climate Zones. However, in the southern range, it doesn’t get cold enough. The range of leaf color from these trees is really remarkable, as the leaves change from deep green in summer, going through almost the entire spectrum from yellow to orange to red and then a deep violet brown before falling. 

Smooth Sumac

Close-up of Rhus glabra, commonly known as Smooth Sumac, is a deciduous shrub or small tree. Smooth Sumac grows as a large, multi-stemmed shrub, forming a spreading, rounded shape. The leaves are pinnately compound, meaning they consist of multiple leaflets arranged in a feather-like pattern along a central stem. Each leaflet is lance-shaped with serrated edges and a smooth, glossy surface. The leaves are shades of bright green, red, orange, and scarlet.These trees are low-maintenance and adaptable to various climates, requiring weekly watering until established.

botanical name

Rhus glabra
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade

hardiness zones


Smooth sumac trees are low-maintenance trees with a wide climate range. They should be watered once per week until new growth appears, after which time they should be quite drought-tolerant. Too much water will rot this sumac’s roots, so take care not to overwater or give additional water when there is sufficient rainfall of about one inch per week. 

For most of the year, Sumac trees are visually appealing. It produces large clusters of red flowers in the spring, giving way to berry-like drupes that ripen to scarlet. The fall foliage is stunning, and the fringelike leaves turn shades of red and orange from the edges to the center of the tree. 

Vine Maple

Close-up of Acer circinatum trees in an autumn garden. Acer circinatum, commonly known as the Vine Maple, is a small to medium-sized deciduous tree or large shrub. The leaves of the Vine Maple are simple, palmately lobed, and similar in shape to those of other maples. They have seven to nine lobes and serrated edges. The leaves turn into a stunning display of vibrant colors, ranging from bright yellows and oranges to deep reds.Vine maple is versatile, growing as a shrub or small to medium-sized multi-trunk tree.

botanical name

Acer circinatum
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade

hardiness zones


Often grown as a large shrub, the vine maple can also be trained into a small to medium-sized tree with multiple trunks. It has an attractive, tiered growth habit and pretty, reddish-green bark. In spring, the foliage emerges bright green, then small purple and white flowers follow. The fruits that follow flowers are red and winged and are a favorite snack for many songbirds.

Because of its compact size, vine maple is an excellent alternative to some larger species like Japanese maples. It naturalizes well, particularly in the Pacific Northwest. It prefers moist, fertile soil and is not especially drought-tolerant. In the fall, the leaves turn shades of yellow, orange, and red, making this a masterpiece in the landscape, 

Virginia Sweetspire

Close-up of Virginia Sweetspire (Itea virginica) in the fall garden. Virginia Sweetspire (Itea virginica) grows as a multi-stemmed, deciduous shrub. It has arching branches with a slightly weeping quality. The leaves are simple, alternately arranged, and have an elliptical to obovate shape with serrated edges. The leaves transform into brilliant shades of red, gold, and orange.This tree offers fantastic fall color, pest resistance, and drought tolerance.

botanical name

Itea virginica
sun requirements

Full sun to partial shade

hardiness zones


Virginia sweetspire is more of a shrub than a tree, but it brings fantastic fall color. Its excellent pest resistance and drought tolerance make this a wonderful landscape element. A hedge of Sweetspire can be spectacular when in bloom and displaying its colorful fall leaves. The foliage is simple, and the arching branches have a slight weeping quality. 

In spring and summer, sweetspire produces long racemes of small white flowers that are very attractive to pollinators. Its root system makes it an excellent plant for erosion control as well. 

The autumn color is vibrant and endures for a long period when leaves turn shades of red, gold, and orange. 

Washington Hawthorn

Close-up of a Washington hawthorn tree in an autumn garden. The Washington hawthorn tree has an upright, rounded crown with dense foliage. Its leaves are simple, serrated, and oval or elliptical in shape. In the autumn, the leaves transition to vibrant shades of orange and deep red, creating a striking display of fall foliage. The plant produces clusters of small, round berries that birds feed on in the winter.The red berries nourish overwintering songbirds.

botanical name

Crataegus phaenopyrum
sun requirements

Full sun

hardiness zones


A member of the rose family, the Washington hawthorn is a pretty, mid-sized deciduous tree best known for its wonderfully fragrant spring flowers. The white blossoms appear in late spring and last into early summer. After the flowers fall, green berries develop and turn red. These berries are a great food source for overwintering songbirds. 

Washington hawthorn can be kept somewhat low by pruning and makes a great privacy hedge in a grouping. It has dense foliage and thorny branches. In fall, the shiny, dark green foliage turns shades of orange and red, mingled with red berries that endure after the leaves fall. 

Final Thoughts

If your garden needs more of the warm, cozy, and spectacular colors that come with the cooler months of autumn, there’s no need to fret. Adding any one of these incredible trees to your yard will create a huge amount of color during the fall months.

Plant them while they are dormant, as soon as the ground thaws, to give them the best start, and enjoy the colors of spring, summer, and fall with these wonderful trees. Once the leaves fall, composting them will give your lovely leaves a second life in the next year.

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