Methods to maintain pests out of the home

Have you ever had a pest infestation in your home? Here are some ways to keep the pests out of your home!

Pests can make your home so uncomfortable and you can end up hating being at home. Instead of waiting to take countermeasures when your home is already infected with pests, you'd better be offensive. Prevent pests from entering your home. There are several methods you can use to keep your home pest free. There are also effective strategies that can help you remove pests from your home in case you already have them. Read on to discover more ways to keep pests out of your home:

Seal all gaps and cracks

Always inspect your home for cracks and gaps. These gaps and cracks are common on the doors and windows. They can also appear on the outside of your home. You need to seal each crevice as they can trick pests into hiding and multiplying in it. Cracks in the house wall can make bed bugs more likely. Wood materials like doors and windows can also create a suitable environment for bed bugs.

You don't want to have bed bugs in your house as they can be so uncomfortable. Pest control specialists are also involved Pest resources advise avoiding bed bugs in your home as their bites can make you weak. You may also experience some asthma attacks with bed bug bites. Bed bug bites can cause rashes, itching, burning, or even hives.

Examine your home foundation for loose signs, gaps in utility lines, and missing shingles. Check for gaps in your water pipes, cable lines, and electrical conduit systems. Seal these gaps with coarse steel wool, mortar, sheet metal, or copper mesh. Avoid using expanding sealant, however, as many pests, including rodents, can chew on it and get into your home. If your doors and windows are broken or warped, fix them. Eliminate any doors and windows that don't fit your house. Quickly repair cracks and tears on your screens. They can also trick pests into hiding. You can use mesh sizes of suitable sizes such as 200 holes for each square inch. All of these wire mesh are available at your nearest hardware store.

Dispose of garbage and waste accordingly

Did you know that garbage can attract pests? You can attract rodents and mosquitoes by keeping trash and trash near your home. Raches and ants also thrive in places with litter. Garden waste also attracts pests. It can serve as a hiding place or food for various pests. So make sure you keep all of your trash in airtight containers with tightly fitting lids. Replace dirty cans with clean ones and regularly clean the area where your dirt baskets are located to remove any spells. Avoid litter, standing water and plant shavings in your patios, garages, yards and patios. All of these can create a suitable environment for pests to live.

Alternatively, you can also store your waste in recyclable bags and bins. Rinse these bags thoroughly after disposing of waste. You can also keep your recyclables in waste bins with tightly fitting lids. Therefore, rinse all the food that you put from your recyclable materials into the trash can. This is an easy way to keep your waste bins pest free. Store recycle bins outside of your garage or yard to keep pests further away from your home.

The right lightbulbs can help too

With the right lightbulbs in the window and door area, you can prevent flying insects from entering your home. Therefore, you can replace all of your standard mercury vapor lamps with quality ones High pressure halogen lights or sodium vapor lamps. Choose onions with some orange, pink, or yellow tints as they are unlikely to attract insects. Change the location of your lightbulbs accordingly. Instead of placing your lightbulbs on the outside of the wall near the doors, hang them on a pole further from the house.

Store all food in sealed containers

Pests like rodents have a good sense of smell. If you leave your food in open containers, they will go after you eat. To avoid this, keep pantry foods like crackers and granola in resealable bags or reusable containers. Also, clean your pantry regularly to avoid getting dressed Pantry pests who come to feed on spilled food. Remove spilled food from your pantry.

You can easily keep your home pest free using the simple tips above. Regularly clean your home to remove any food spills. Keep your home dry as moisture can cause pests to stay in your home. Keep trash cans out of your home as they can also attract rodents. Be careful with the lightbulbs you use. Effective food storage can also help you prevent pests. Keep your kitchen area clean and neat. Remember to check the foundation of your home for cracks and seal any crevices that could serve as homes for various types of pests.

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