The right way to develop beet microgreens shortly and simply

Beets taste great from top to bottom, and so do their microgreens. While there is no tuberous and sweet root to eat, beet microgreens taste the same as grown leaves, but in a shape that is easy to use to round off other dishes. They are fantastic for salads, sandwiches, and more!

Most microgreens look the same, but this is not the case with these beauties. The deep red pigment of many beet roots turns the sprout stalks pink. They remind me of tiny rhubarb plants. Even if it is a smaller amount, this color can bleed and discolor when the plant is cut.

Not only are they vibrant in color and delicious taste, but these microgreens are also packed with nutrients. Like most microgreens, they're a good source of vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, iron, calcium, and protein. Beet microgreens also have significant supplies of magnesium, potassium, and even copper.

Beet microgreens are pretty easy to grow. It takes a little longer to ripen than other microgreens, but the colorful harvest is worth it. In just 2-3 weeks, you can add these microgreens to any dish you can think of!

Good products for growing beet microgreens:

Beet Microgreens Quick Info

Bulls Blood Beet Microgreens

Taste:Sweet and earthy; like ripe beet leaves
Rinse / Drain:No
Germination:2-5 days
Ideal harvest:10-20 days

Growing beet microgreens

Rainbow Blend Beet Microgreens

Before we get into growing microgreens, let's take a look at our inventory. You will need the following materials to turn the humble beet seed into a delightful microgreen.


We really love True Leaf Market's microgreen seeds. Their seeds are high quality, have excellent germination rates, and are worth every penny. Here you will find a selection of our personal beet favorites!

Beet plants don't need a lot of water to grow well. Therefore, it is very important to use a growing tray with drainage holes. We also need soil that will hold some water without getting damp. For beet microgreens, the seed starting soil is the best because of its texture. Sugar beets have sensitive roots and prefer the ultra-fine grain of the seed starting soil. They also have oddly shaped seeds that need a level area to take root. Some gardeners grow microgreens in coconut, but we strongly recommend using soil for beet microgreens.

Every time you grow microgreens, beets or anything else, grow lights are far superior to natural sunlight. The reason for this is that you can position the grow lights right above the plants for even and compact growth. You can also control how long the microgreens get light each day.


Bulls Blood Beet Seeds

Beet seeds have such a thin hull that they don't need to be soaked in water before germination. Some microgreen gardeners still choose to soak the seeds for around 8 hours, but this is completely optional.


Let's start by filling the growing tray with soil just below the brim. Wet the soil surface with your spray bottle and then smooth it over. Now distribute the beet seeds nicely and evenly on the surface (this is important for planting microgreens). They should be close together – about 10 seeds per square inch.

Give the beet seeds and growing medium one final splash of water and cover with a second tray. This is the beginning of the darkening phase, during which the seeds will fully germinate and sprout. To hold the cover bowl securely, place a small weight on top (the seeds push it up as they grow).

Leave the cover on the seeds for at least 4-6 days. Beets need the dark to germinate, which should take 3 to 5 days. The extra day or two will give the seeds extra time to germinate.


Take a look under the covers around day 6 of the blackout period. When you see all the seeds germinated and growing, remove the cover tray and turn on the grow light. The sprouts may be discolored or bruised to the side at first, but they will quickly recover under the light.

Provide your beet microgreens with at least 12 hours of light every day. To water them we will throw away the spray bottle and start watering the soil. This method is the best precaution against bacterial growth and the dreaded mitigation of diseases.

Take your bottom bowl and add a few inches of water. Then put the growing tray inside. The soil absorbs its water filling without the beet microgreens getting wet. After the soil is sufficiently moist, remove the watering tray. Repeat this process if the soil starts to dry out (you can tell by the weight of the growing bowl).

As they grow, you can see that the beet microgreens have stray seed coats attached to the cotyledons. You can remove these by hand or you can lightly brush the palm of your hand over the microgreen plants.


Detroit Dark Red Beet Microgreens

10 to 20 days after planting, your beet microgreens can be ready for harvest. They grow to a few inches with bright red stems and open green cotyledons.

When we grow microgreens, we usually want to harvest before the first real leaves grow. As soon as they grow, the beet microgreens get tougher as they prepare to carry a lot more weight. The taste is supposed to be the same, but this change in texture is why we prefer a true leafless microgreen.

You can choose to harvest your beet microgreens all at once or as needed. If you take them as needed, make sure they are all harvested by the second set of real leaves ingrown.

When you've determined it's time to harvest your beet microgreens, grab your kitchen shears and the growing tray. Cut the microgreens into clumps just above the soil surface. The light pigment in the microgreen plants can discolor. So don't wear your favorite clothes!


The beet microgreens are ready for immediate use. Wash them first, then add them raw to salads, sandwiches, or anything that requires a nutritional crisis.

If you need to save them, hold back on washing the beet microgreens. They are best dried when they are completely dry. You may even want to squeeze them into a paper towel. Seal the beet microgreens in an airtight container and store in the refrigerator. If you use this method, beet microgreens should be stored well for about a week.

frequently asked Questions

Detroit Mix Beet Microgreens

Q: How do beet microgreens taste?

A: Beet microgreen has a sweet, earthy taste, similar to how grown beet leaves taste.

Q: What are the benefits of consuming microgreens?

A: What are not the advantages? Microgreens may be small, but they generally have two or three times as many nutrients as grown plants. For example, beet microgreens contain plenty of iron, calcium, fiber and a variety of vitamins (significantly more than grown beets).

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