Professional ideas for a wholesome 2021

Health-focused New Year's resolutions may not be a new phenomenon, but if 2020 (and perhaps the start of 2021) has taught us anything, staying as healthy as possible is more important than ever.

This January, Australians are being urged to make their health a priority by paying extra attention to how they fuel their bodies.

To make these positive changes happen, Califia Farms teamed up with Nutritionist Jennifer Murrant at Healthy Luxe to offer some simple tips to get your health journey started into the new year.

“After the extraordinary 2020, which has influenced everyone in many ways, we hope that in 2021 the value of health and the possibilities of optimizing our well-being, strengthening our immune system and increasing our vitality will be re-recognized. Says Mrs. Murrant.

"One of the things that Covid-19 has highlighted is the critical importance of maintaining our health, not just to prevent chronic diseases, but to strengthen our immune systems and fight acute infections."

One way to maintain our health is to increase the amount of plant-based foods we eat, which, according to Ms. Murrant, "contain a wide range of nutrients, including essential antioxidants and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients".

How to add plants to your diet

Adding plant-based foods to your diet doesn't have to be boring and boring. All it takes is some creativity in the kitchen.

Ms. Murrant's tips for increasing your plant-based food intake and improving your overall health and wellbeing include:

  • “Do simple swaps. For example, replace milk with plant-based milk in coffee, cereals, and your favorite smoothies.
  • “Go fresh and seasonal. In January we have a wide range of colorful, fresh products in Australia that are bursting with taste and natural sweetness. Diversity is the key.
  • “Exchange highly refined products for whole foods, for example white rice to brown organic rice.
  • “Reduce the added sugar. Excessive consumption of processed sugar is linked to many chronic diseases as well as weight gain. Check the products to make sure they have little or no sugar.
  • “Stay well hydrated with good water quality.
  • “Eat wisely. It is now possible to have delicious and healthy plant-based meals in most establishments as many restaurants are expanding their vegan choices. Just watch out for something with too much oil, salt, and sugar.
  • “Say no to soft drinks. A really important habit of saying goodbye to a healthier diet is to stop reaching for energy drinks and soft drinks. These sugary, nutrient-free drinks provide an instant energy hit followed by a crash that creates cravings for more sugar and continues the cycle. This has a negative impact on our blood sugar regulation and health. Hence, it is important to break this pattern. "

A holistic approach is key

In addition to diet changes for overall health and wellbeing in 2021, Ms. Murrant recommends a general "holistic approach".

Ms. Murrants' tips for a holistic lifestyle include:

  • “Find an exercise or movement that you enjoy.
  • “Allow time for rest and self-care, and focus on reducing stress cycles.
  • “Find time for fun activities and time with friends.
  • “Establish good sleep hygiene practices such as going to bed and waking up at the same time and removing electronic devices from the bedroom.
  • “Spend time in nature.
  • "Unplug the power cord and schedule time away from social media, devices, etc.
  • "Slow down to regulate your nervous system."

To a fresh, healthy start to 2021.

For nutritious, plant-based recipes and inspiration, visit: or

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