Rising Rosemary: A Information to Highly effective Taste

Here are just a few reasons why you should grow rosemary in your garden. First of all, it's delicious! It gives everything from bread to chicken a nice taste and aroma. is easy to use and can be harvested all year round.

Second, it smells amazing! Add rosemary stems to bouquets, wreaths, potpourri, or use essential oils around the house to make it smell fabulous fresh.

Third, it looks great in the garden! Rosemary can be grown as an ornamental hedge or as a cascade over the edge of a pot or wall. You can even cut rosemary into any topiary shape you want.

After all, rosemary is good for your health! Recent studies have discovered the powerful therapeutic benefits of this wonderful herb. Research has shown that rosemary helps reduce anxiety, improve focus, and strengthen memory. Rosemary extract has also been used successfully in the treatment of breast and colon cancer, where it has been observed to inhibit the development of cancer cells. Research is ongoing in these areas, but the results look promising.

Read on to find out all about this amazing herb and how to grow it.

Good products for growing rosemary:

Brief instructions for care

Growing rosemaryGrowing rosemary is easy year round in most climates. Source: sallaha

Common Name (s)rosemary
Scientific nameSalvia rosmarinus
Days to harvestCuttings, 1 year. Seeds, 1 year to 15 months
lightFull sun
Water:Drought tolerant, minimal water
groundSandy, well-drained soil
fertilizerBalanced, occasionally
PestsRosemary beetles, spider mites

Everything about rosemary

Rosemary from aboveA view of rosemary from above. Source: VirtKitty

Until recently, the scientific name for rosemary was Rosmarinus officinalis. The term "officinalis" was used to refer to any herb known to have medicinal properties and comes from Latin and means "of business", in other words "pharmacist". In 2017, a DNA sequencing study of a number of plants discovered similarities between rosemary and salvia that were too big to ignore. Rosmarinus officinalis was added to the genus Salvia and is now officially known as Salvia rosmarinus. Both salvia and rosmarinus come from the mint family Lamiaceae. The common name rosemary remains the same and the name Rosmarinus officinalis becomes a synonym.

Indications of the origins of rosemary lie in its botanical name rosmarinus, which comes from the Latin ros and "dew" and marinus means "from the sea". It is native to the hills and coastal regions of southern Europe and North Africa, where the soils are poor and well drained and the climate is warm and humid. Despite this Mediterranean origin, rosemary has adapted well to cooler northern climates. Some new varieties of rosemary plants are tolerant of -10 ° C.

Salvia rosmarinus is a perennial, evergreen wood shrub with aromatic foliage. It has soft, pine-needle-like, dark green glossy leaves with rolled edges and light gray / green felted undersides. The stem is brown but can appear almost white due to the same soft leaf felt. Clusters of 5-10 small (0.4 in / 1 cm) tubular, two-lipped flowers are created in vortices around the stem and are blue, pink, lavender, and white in color. Flowering begins in spring but is often repeated in the summer months, providing rich nectar for pollinating insects.

People underestimate how big and woody a rosemary plant can get if left to its own devices. Rosemary grows slowly in the first few years and can reach a height of 2 to 2.5 meters within 10 years. Plants can easily be cared for by annual pruning to keep them manageable and produce new fresh growth for harvest and cuttings for propagation.

There are many different types of rosemary to choose from, which differ in their winter hardiness, flower color and aromatic strength. They fall into two different categories: bushy upright plants that grow to a height and spread of 1.2 to 2.5 m, and creeping ground cover or trailing species, also known as varieties of the "Prostratus Group". These are best grown in containers and rock gardens and are 5 to 30 cm high and 1 to 2.5 m wide, depending on the variety.

Here are some examples of the strains you might want to grow:

  • "Arp": an adaptable good all-round rosemary with excellent frost resistance. Upright growth habit up to 120 cm. Good plant for beginners.
  • "Miss Jessops Upright": Good frost resistance. Grows to 1.2 to 2.5 m. Useful hedge plant.
  • Prostratus group "Severn Sea": Good follow-up habit. Height and width: 40 cm to 90 cm.
  • Prostratus Group "Rampant Boule": Prostate habit. Height and width: 40 cm to 60 cm.
  • "Aureus" Colorful yellow-leaved rosemary. Height and width 80 cm to 80 cm.
  • Salvia rosmarinus f. Albiflorus: Abundant white flowers and highly aromatic. Upright dwarf plant. Height and width from 2 m (1 m) to 1.5 m (5 feet). A good alternative to planting hedges.

Fresh leaves and stems can be used to add flavor to a wide variety of culinary dishes, or they can be dried for longer storage. Use a bare stem as a skewer to hold meat or vegetables together when grilling, or use sprigs of rosemary as a staple brush for barbecues and roasts.

Growing containers is perfect for all types of rosemary plants. Pot rosemary can be conveniently placed on your kitchen door for a quick harvest and easy to bring into the house in winter when frost is predicted. A pot-grown rosemary plant requires more water than a plant grown in the ground.

The rosemary plant has long been used by cultures around the world. The ancient Greeks burned rosemary as part of ancient religious ceremonies and believed it was deeply cleansing. Planting rosemary in the garden is also a symbol of remembrance for those who have passed away.


Rosemary in flowerDuring flowering, rosemary produces a multitude of small flowers. Source: Tobyotter

Plant rosemary in the spring after the last frost or a few weeks before the first frost of autumn. Rosemary prefers to grow in well-drained, moderately fertile soils in full sun. Sudden temperature extremes and heavy damp soils kill young plants. If the soil conditions aren't suitable, grow rosemary in a pot and add about 20% sharp sand or horticultural grain to the compost mixture. A terracotta pot is best for allowing excess water to evaporate. Rosemary can grow indoors if there is adequate light. A bright south-facing window, a winter garden or a greenhouse are perfect.

The germination rate can be up to 30% if you grow rosemary from seeds. Hence, it is best to sow more seeds than the number of plants you will need. Rosemary plants reproduce easiest from conifer cuttings in spring or from semi-ripe cuttings in late summer / early fall. Once roots have developed, the cuttings can be planted in the garden at a distance of 90 cm.

Rosemary care

Rosemary is easy to care for once you properly understand the basics. Follow the guidelines below and you will be harvesting fresh rosemary in no time!

Sun and temperature

For best results, grow rosemary in full sun with at least 6-8 hours of sunlight in USDA hardiness zones 7 or higher. Some varieties can be grown in hardiness zones 5 and 6 with winter protection. Keep the Mediterranean in mind when considering the ideal temperature range for rosemary, low -17ºC (0ºF) to 27-32ºC (80-90ºF).

Water and moisture

Rosemary can do without water for a long time, except during periods of prolonged drought. Unlike deciduous plants, rosemary's needle-like leaves don't wither, making it difficult to know when they need water. Plants in containers need to be watered when the soil is completely dry. Water the base of the plant in the morning at ground level with a can or a drinking hose to give the plant a good long drink. Let the soil dry out between waterings. Roots that sit in excessively moist soil can develop root rot. It is therefore best not to water in winter. A rosemary plant grown in high humidity and poor air circulation is at risk of fungal diseases.


Grow rosemary in well-drained, dry, sandy soils with poor to moderate fertility. It is tolerant of a wide range of soil pH from 5 to 8, but grows best in soil pH from 6 to 7.5.


Rosemary that grows in the ground doesn't need fertilizer unless a plant shows signs of decline such as dry, yellowed foliage. On these occasions, ensure that you keep your hydration balanced. A light organic mulch, which is added to the base of rosemary in late autumn, protects the roots from frost over the winter. A container-grown plant needs a balanced intake of fluids in the spring.


Rosemary bushes should be pruned to maintain size and shape and encourage new growth for harvest. Prune shrubs when the flowers have faded in late spring or early fall. Be careful not to cut too hard in old wood, as the plant will find it difficult to grow back. Ingredients can be used as cuttings for propagation.


It's easy to grow rosemary from seeds, cuttings, and layers of air. Check out our guide to propagating this amazing herb.

Harvesting and storing

Rosemary in the containerRosemary grows well in containers, both indoors and outdoors. Source: Akirikku

Rosemary can be used fresh or dried. Follow the guidelines below for more information on harvesting and storing this aromatic herb.


Harvest rosemary from plants that are at least a year to 15 months old. The best taste comes from new growth that is green, not woody. Try not to harvest too much at once from a young plant that may be having a hard time recovering.


Fresh rosemary cuttings are kept in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks, when the stems are placed in a glass of water or wrapped in a damp cloth. Alternatively, the foliage can be finely chopped and frozen in ice cubes or freezer bags.

Dried rosemary does not have as strong a flavor as fresh or frozen, but it has a longer shelf life. Hang rosemary stalks indoors in a cool, dry place and allow to dry thoroughly. When completely dry, remove the leaves and store in an airtight container.


Rosemary trailing in the potCreeping sprigs of rosemary tend to curve in interesting patterns. Source: loveliness

Rosemary is a pretty easy plant to grow, but as with most plants, there are a thing or two to watch out for that can cause problems for your rosemary plants.

Growing problems

A potential problem with rosemary plants arises from Overlap. If the branches are pruned too much, the plant will find it difficult to recover and will remain woody and bare.


Rosemary beetle (Chrysolina americana) feeds on many herbs, rosemary, sage, and thyme to name a few. They do not kill or harm the health of the plant, but they do affect the quality of the harvestable leaves when adult beetles and larvae feed on them. Adults are less than 6-7 mm long and have purple and green metal stripes. The larvae are gray / white with darker stripes. Both are active from spring to late summer. Control measures include hand-picking beetles and larvae from affected plants, and encouraging predatory wild animals such as birds, frogs and ground beetles in the garden. Organic insecticides with natural pyrethrins can be used but require several uses.

Spider mite (Tetranychidae) Adults are russet, live in large colonies, and thrive in hot, dry environments. Spider mites can be seen as a fine web of webbing between the leaves and the stem. Plants also show signs of decline when the leaves turn yellow and fall off. They are resistant to most pesticide products on the market. Hence, it is best to remove and destroy the worst affected parts or entire plants to prevent the problem from spreading. Neem oil can be used to smother mite eggs.


Growing rosemary plants in cold, damp soil can cause this Plant roots rot. Root rot suffocates the plant and prevents access to essential nutrients. The tell-tale signs include sagging branches and death at the tips of the stems. Only plant rosemary in well-drained sandy soil and water when needed.

mildew is a fungal disease that can affect rosemary in hot, humid, and shady conditions. It grows as white, thick dust on the leaves, inhibits photosynthesis and hinders growth. The foliage eventually turns yellow and dies. It won't kill the plant, but it will decrease its vigor and the availability or harvest of leaves. To prevent powdery mildew, maintain good garden hygiene and remove infected leaves to prevent the disease from spreading and re-infecting in years to come. Get enough sunlight and avoid conditions where the disease will thrive. Trim crowded areas to allow good air circulation. Before or at the first sight of an illness, spray an organic fungicide such as sulfur, neem oil, or potassium bicarbonate.

frequently asked Questions

Rosemary hedgeRosemary plants that grow upright can be cut into a hedge. Source: Theen

Q: How do you encourage rosemary to grow?

A: Provide the right growing conditions in your garden to encourage the growth of your rosemary plant. This includes planting in freely draining soil, in full sun and bringing plants that have been grown in containers to protect them from winter frosts.

Q: How fast does rosemary grow?

A: Rosemary plants grow slowly. It can take up to 15 months to mature when grown from seed and 1 year when grown from cuttings.

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