Drake's Trial Trolley Disinfection System

Drakes Supermarkets is said to be the first Australian supermarket to have tested the Sanitizit disinfection system.

The product was developed in the USA to disinfect shopping carts in retail, medical and airport environments. It offers a “measured dose” disinfectant solution as a “fog blanket” that covers the entire car as the device passes through.

SAGE Automation has partnered with the developer of the Sanitizit product to manufacture, supply and support the units in the Australian and New Zealand markets.

John-Paul Drake, director of Drakes, says the retailer worked with SAGE Automation on the first Australian supermarket study.

"The feedback from the team and our customers has been positive, and we will be looking into adding more branches to our stores," he says.

According to Drakes, the benefits of the Sanitizit product include:

  • Operational efficiency for the retailer by replacing the manual wiping of trollies with a no-touch system.
  • An adjustable dosage of the disinfectant solution for a trolley or a series of trolleys that are disinfected at the same time.
  • Reduced waste by eliminating wipes that go to landfill.
  • Be able to sanitize the entire cart, not just the handle.
  • A hand stick that can be used to disinfect shopping baskets from the main unit.
  • The device uses a water-based disinfectant solution supplied by the device operator.
  • The devices are low voltage and use very little electricity.

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