Disposal choices for an outdated fridge with freezer compartment

Out with the old, in with the new, as the saying goes. Are you ready to get rid of your old fridge-freezer? Maybe you are renovating your entire kitchen? Whatever your reason, you might be thinking, how on earth do you get rid of such a big, heavy piece of equipment? Unfortunately, it's not that easy to just throw the trash away. You can't just leave it on the side of the road and hope a disposal team will pick it up.

Don't panic, there are many ways to dispose of your old refrigerator. Make sure to check out our useful guide on how to remove it successfully.

Donate your fridge

If you are treating your kitchen with a new refrigerator but your old one is still in good shape, give it to a charity. Contact your local waste department or charity that accepts collections or donations. Usually you have to drop it off at a local center, or sometimes you can make arrangements with them to collect the refrigerator from you and add it to their collection. Before you donate, make sure it is fully functional and clean and free of mold or other nasty things. A great way to get rid of your fridge and you're contributing to a good cause too.

Disposal options for an old fridge / freezer - old refrigerators

Recycle your old refrigerator

Recycling your old fridge / freezer is a great way to get rid of it and help minimize landfill use. It will also reduce the pollution and damage it causes to our planet and oceans. In order to be recycled, your refrigerator usually has to meet certain standards. The recycling rules vary in each area. So make sure that you are allowed to do this so that you don't break any laws.

Hire a disposal service to take away your refrigerator

If you find it too stressful and tedious to get rid of your old device, hiring a garbage disposal company could be the answer, https://www.weebblejunk.com/ or another moving company, depending on your location. Although it's an additional cost, they'll take care of everything for you from collection to disposal. No stress and no time wasted transporting the refrigerator to a disposal point. Always make sure that you do your research and choose a company with good reviews and ratings. Try to choose one that also disposes of loads responsibly and in an environmentally friendly manner.

Trade-in with a retailer

Before deciding on a new refrigerator, ask the retailer if he has device trade-ins. This is a benefit that many sellers offer and that is usually included in the purchase price. This is probably the easiest way to get rid of your refrigerator. Be sure to ask though as some sellers add an additional fee. Some even deliver your new refrigerator and pick up your old one the same day. However, there may be times when your old one is still functional. Don't just assume they're running one-on-one trade-in services. Some companies require that you specifically request this service when you purchase your new device.

Rent a dumpster to remove the refrigerator

This is a pretty easy way to get rid of your old device. However, unless you are a strong man, you will need help lifting it into the dumpster. This is an extremely convenient method of just dropping your items in and then calling when you need to take them away. Since you can use the dumpster to get rid of other items, it's perfect if you're having a massive clearance or renovating your home. Usually you can save the dumpster until you are done. Hence, it is ideal when you have multiple charges that you need to remove. You can charge your devices and other items at your own pace and don't even have to be at home when they're being collected. No more wasted days waiting for hours. You will also receive an offer before the dumpster arrives, so no nasty surprises.

Disposal options for an old refrigerator with freezer compartment - dumpster


Can I throw away a fridge-freezer?

You can, but there are some downsides. First, it's terrible for our planet and it will almost certainly add to the increasing waste of landfills. Not all states accept the disposal of bulky large appliances such as refrigerators. In this case, you will usually need to book an appointment in advance, usually around two weeks.

How do I get rid of a refrigerator for free?

It is not easy to do and may require transporting the device itself. However, it is possible to do so without spending anything. Listing your refrigerator in your local newspaper or on Craigslist is an easy way to attract scrap companies. If your refrigerator is only used lightly, you can put it up for sale and only advertise it as a collection. This is a great option if you have enough space to store the refrigerator until you can get rid of it.

How do I recycle a fridge freezer?

First of all, make sure you can recycle your refrigerator. Often times it has to meet certain regulations and standards before it can be recycled. If it is up to the standard, then you need to drain all oils and other dangerous substances. Once you have done this and the refrigerator is clean, you can drop it off at the recycling center near you. This is a great option for minimizing landfills and saving our planet.

Why do fridges and freezers need to be emptied before recycling?

Many fridges and freezers contain CFC refrigerants, which are chemicals that can damage the ozone layer. They are also devastatingly destructive greenhouse gases. If not disposed of properly, these substances can be extremely hazardous to the environment. They're usually found in refrigerators that are 25 years or older. Modern refrigerators use HFC refrigerants, which, while protecting the ozone layer, still have to be properly drained as they are classified as greenhouse gases. Usually the landfill empties the refrigerator for you. However, if it is your responsibility, make sure you are using an approved refrigerant recovery unit.

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