Steps to Flip Your Storage Right into a House Workplace

With more people working from home these days, more and more of us are looking for areas in our properties to set up a work area!

While some people have a vacant room, they can turn into a home office. If you're not currently trying to focus on the kitchen table with your family swirling around you, it may be time to turn to your garage. These areas can be the perfect places to convert into a work area without having to spend the money adding a whole new grand piano to your home or an additional outdoor shed. With the steps below, you can create the private home office you need in 2020.

Decide what the space needs

Think about what you need in your new space based on how and when you work. Everyone approaches their working day a little differently. Since you are starting from scratch with this conversion, it gives you the opportunity to plan a layout that really works for you. You will likely need an area or two for your desk and some tech tools like a printer / scanner / copier, modem, and paper shredder. You may also need meeting rooms for interacting with current or potential customers, a planning area with plenty of natural light for drawing or design work, and plenty of storage space. You may also want to add a mini kitchenette with a sink and refrigerator so that you have everything you need on-site and not have to go inside for breaks.

Set a budget

It is wise to set a budget for the remodeling work as well, so that you don't go insane if you spend big bucks on new office supplies or pay for contractors to turn the garage into a beautiful but unaffordable space. Decide on a total amount you'd like to spend transforming your garage into a functional and productive home office, and then work back from there to determine the reasonable spend on each item. Consider potential costs such as garbage disposal fees and contractor costs, including those from builders, painters, electricians, and plumbers. You may also need to purchase new furniture or other materials in order to furnish the space.

Investigate regulations

To turn your garage into a home office, you may need to get a permit and take other steps to make sure the space complies with building codes at your location. It is not always necessary to deal with community standards and paperwork. However, please check this before proceeding with the work. There may be laws or other regulations that you are not aware of.

Clear space

If you're like most people, your garage is likely cluttered as you've used it as a storage space (also known as a garbage dump) over the years. In that case, you need to clear things out to have enough space for your home office. Also, don't just nudge the stored device as this type of pile will likely distract you every time you try to work. Take everything out of the garage and go through your things one at a time. Sell ​​or donate anything in decent condition that you no longer have a use for, and dispose of or recycle the rest. If some things need to be kept in your garage because they are too big or inadequate to fit in your home, look for ways to hide them. For example, place bicycles on racks on the ceiling and install cabinets or shelves to neatly store other items. You can also store tools on breadboards or hooks on a wall.

Examine practical needs

Before you start decorating your new workspace, there are several practical requirements you should consider. Once you've cleared your garage, you will likely begin to notice issues that need fixing and some ways you can update the space to make it more comfortable. You will likely need the assistance of an electrician to make sure you have all the necessary electrical outlets, network connections, safety tools, and other electrical functions. In particular, make sure the area has enough light so you don't have to blink to go to work. Consider buying an affordable ceiling fan lighting kit as a cooling product and light in one. If the floor is currently bare concrete, make it cozier by laying tile, carpet, linoleum, vinyl, or other options. You may need to put insulation behind the walls and ceiling, and replace windows that don't seal properly. The room may also require plumbing and pest cleanup.

A garage can be the perfect place to prepare for all of your work-from-home projects. Follow the tips listed above to make the change today.

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