Six essential errors to keep away from when renting a storage unit

Are you renting a self-storage unit? Regardless of your reason for using storage space, it's important that the room is the right size, security, and order.

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When choosing a self storage unit, many people have either too small or too large a container that lacks the features necessary to properly store their belongings. In some cases, people store the wrong type of items, use the wrong packaging materials, or fail to label the boxes. As a result, they have difficulty managing the unit quickly and effectively. These are the top mistakes to avoid when renting space.

Choosing the wrong size

Probably the most common mistake people make when renting a self-storage unit is misjudging the size of the container. Some people opt for a small unit to reduce monthly rental costs without considering the risk of damage. The more items you stuff into the container, the more likely it is that some of them will break, especially those that are in the back. In contrast, other people use self-storage rooms that are too spacious for their possessions, wasting more money on storage than necessary. So make sure you get the correct measurements for the bulkiest items before choosing a size to estimate the approximate amount of space required. You can also take the help of online calculators specially designed for this purpose to determine the correct size. Click here for useful tips on measuring things without a ruler.

Ignore insurance

Not insuring their belongings is another common mistake customers make when storing their belongings in a self-storage unit. Most storage facilities do not offer customers any insurance options and therefore accept no responsibility in the event that any of the properties are misplaced, damaged or stolen. To avoid such scenarios, customers are strongly advised to insure their belongings before placing them in the container. Insurance companies offer cheap policies that provide coverage in the event of theft or deterioration. As a result, even in the worst case scenario, you don't have to worry about the condition of your belongings.

Neglecting security

One of the most common mistakes made by people renting self-storage units is neglecting the security measures of the premises they have chosen. It is expected that the storage facilities are equipped with the necessary security features to ensure that no items are stolen or damaged by intruders. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance to inquire about the safety features of each facility on your shortlist, neglecting those that do not meet the essential requirements. Most reputable storage companies like equip their facilities with surveillance cameras, security fences, alarm systems, and security guards whose presence is essential. Choosing a unit with a wooden door over a unit with a metal door can prove to be a costly mistake. Make sure you don't sign a lease before asking the right security questions and requesting a tour of the property from the staff. If you don't see CCTV cameras, padlocks, or alarm systems, then this is a good reason to set off the alarm and remove the facility from your list.

Saving the wrong kind of items

Another mistake to avoid when using a self-storage unit is keeping things that are not intended to be kept in such rooms. For example, food should never be kept in a self-storage container because of its high likelihood of becoming moldy and rotten. Also, food is likely to attract pests that will destroy your belongings, especially furniture, in no time and spread a terrible smell throughout the place. Aside from food, you should also avoid storing plants due to the lack of light and water. Similar to food, plants eventually rot and give off a foul smelling odor. Also, some people make the mistake of keeping their pets in self-storage containers, which is absolutely inhuman. Pets need to eat regularly, drink enough water, and receive proper attention. In addition, self-storage units are not the right place to store hazardous materials in the form of propane, gasoline, kerosene and other chemicals. Improper storage of this material can result in a life threatening explosion.

Use newspaper to wrap up your possessions

While packing their belongings for storage, most people wrap them in newspaper without considering the possible damage from newspaper ink. Keep in mind that the ink is most likely to smear your items, especially if you are using a device without air conditioning. While using a newspaper is a more convenient alternative, wrapping the items in bubble wrap provides better protection. If not all, make sure that you wrap at least the most fragile items in bubble wrap to avoid unnecessary damage. Using the inside of this material creates the necessary friction that keeps the objects in place. Some of the storage companies sell bubble wrap in their facilities for customers to purchase when needed.

Do not put a label on your boxes

Failure to label the boxes in self-storage units is another oversight by people, which makes it difficult to find the items they are looking for. When packing, many people try to save time by not labeling the boxes without considering the time-consuming nature of unpacking. The labeling of cardboard boxes has been found to be particularly beneficial for people moving into a new home and using the device to temporarily store their belongings. Even if you rent the self-storage container for long-term use, it is important to keep it organized. Make sure you label everything clearly to avoid wasting hours looking for an item by looking into each box. Using your organizational skills in good time will save you a lot of time in the future, for example when looking for a needle in a haystack.

Final thoughts

When renting a self storage unit, make sure your belongings are insured, secured, properly packaged, and well organized. This is the only way to protect them!

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