6 indicators that point out it's time to chop your tree

Trees improve the appearance of our houses and also provide shade when it is hot. However, there is a certain time when a tree can become dangerous to both people and property. When a tree reaches this stage, you may need to consider cutting it down. It can be difficult to tell when it is time to remove a tree, but certain physical indicators can show it is time.

Here are 6 signs that it is time to cut your tree.

1. Damage from weather elements

Harsh winters, storms, strong winds, or lighting can seriously damage your beloved trees at home. The tree can recover from the effects of the weather elements, but sometimes the damage can be irreparable. Aspects such as missing limbs, exposed roots, cracked trunks, and broken branches indicate the tree must be removed as it can damage your roof or fall on cars. A damaged tree can also fall on people or animals, which can be very dangerous.

2. Dead branches

Unless you're an expert, it can be difficult to determine if the tree on your property is dead. It might still have some life but just struggle to fight some type of disease. Even so, you will need to use the services of professionals to inspect and cut down a tree that is no longer needed on your property. Professional tree cutters at A&J Tree Service explain that removing a tree without special equipment can be a cumbersome process that can result in personal injury. The other benefit of hiring a professional tree cutter is that they will use the best equipment and quality care for your trees. A certified tree cutter is the best person for the job because they have the knowledge to handle dangerous tasks.

3. Overgrown branches

Overgrown and drooping branches also indicate that you should remove the tree from your property. The branches can break at any time and fall on your roof, which can be expensive to repair. No matter how much you love your trees, they can pose a threat to your property. You must therefore avoid such eventualities that can lead to loss of money.

6 signs that indicate it's time to cut your tree - cut the tree

4. Leaves

The other sign that can show it is time to cut your tree is related to bad leaves. Trees with fewer or different leaves from other similar trees nearby indicate that they are unhealthy. If the tree does not shed dead leaves, there is cause for concern for its health. You can cut it if you get unsightly.

5. mushroom

If you notice a fungus in the form of mushrooms growing on your tree, it may be an indication that your tree is slowly dying. A healthy tree can be covered with moss, and this is not a problem. However, the rapid growth of fungi on the trunk is a problem that can mean the end of your beloved tree's life.

6. Rotting trunk and roots

Peeling bark or broken trunk can also indicate that the trunk of the tree is rotting and it can pose a hazard to your property. You need to be careful with root rot as it can cause major problems for your property. You can tell that the tree's roots are rotting if you observe cracks and holes in your lawn. You may also find that more fungi grow over the dead roots as they decompose to produce nutrients for other organisms to grow.

It may be difficult to see the rotting roots, but you need to know that they can be a great danger to your home. The other thing to be aware of is the development of surface or subsurface roots towards your building. These cause cracks in the house or in the boundary wall. In addition, root growth can also break the water and drainage pipes, and you can observe this through leaks. You may notice continuous moisture on the surface around the area where the drainage system is damaged.

Trees play a vital role in our homes as they provide shade in summer and enhance the value and appearance of real estate. In residential areas, however, they can also pose a risk to people and property. In this case, you need to consider removing them. Even so, you need to hire an expert to inspect the tree and make a recommendation for its removal. Professional tree cutters should also remove trees in your home as they have the right equipment.

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