Rising oregano within the culinary backyard

In ancient Greece, oregano directly means either "joy of the mountain" or "brightness of the mountain", depending on who you ask. It is believed that it originally came from the hilly Greek countryside. And today, if you ask a gardener what herbs they grow, the chances are they grow oregano among them.

Oregano is a perennial that belongs to the mint family. Its strong and zesty taste has made it popular in the culinary world, although it is perhaps most identified as the main ingredient in Italian cuisine. Nevertheless, it is widely used in Mediterranean, Latin American and Argentine cuisine, among others.

Oregano goes perfectly with tomato dishes like pasta and pizza, and also goes well with olive oil, meat, and many other ingredients. It is likely that this simple association with other flavors brought this Mediterranean herb to the heights it enjoys today!

Growing oregano gives you more than an unlimited supply of this pantry. It's also a beautiful deciduous plant that is occasionally used as a ground cover among other plants. This easy-care and sturdy herb is perfect for beginners.

Good products for growing oregano:

Brief instructions for care

Growing oregano is ideal for beginners. Source: jenn2d2

Common Name (s)Oregano, wild marjoram, pizza cabbage
Scientific nameOriganum vulgare
Days to harvest45 days to ripeness, harvest as needed
lightFull sun to partial shade
Water:Moderate need for watering, drought tolerant
groundWell-drained, loamy or slightly sandy
fertilizerCompost or up to 2x balanced fertilizer per year
PestsAphids, spider mites, thrips, cut worms
DiseasesMint rust, fungal root rot

Everything about oregano

Origanum vulgare is its botanical name when it comes to oregano. This is important to know from the start as another member of the Origanum family is also a popular culinary herb. Marjoram, also called Origanum majorana, is sometimes referred to as “sweet marjoram”. But our favorite oregano, Origanum vulgare, is therefore sometimes referred to as “wild marjoram”.

Oregano grows to a maximum height of 1 to 2 feet and spreads to a diameter of about 18 inches. The leaves are small and spade-shaped, dark green in color. When it blooms, its tiny delicate flowers are pink, purple, or white. Better yet, these little flowers are edible too!

The Greeks believed that the herb was created by Aphrodite, the goddess of love, and that cows that ate oregano had the tastiest meat. This tradition has carried over to cooking. Greek oregano is a popular ingredient in many meat massages, especially those of Persian origin.

Oregano essential oil is extracted from oregano leaves and is widely used as a folk remedy. Although not used for culinary purposes like the leaves themselves, it can be a delightful aroma at home.

Some varieties of oregano have a slightly different taste or color than the base plant itself. For example, golden oregano, oregano vulgare “aureum”, has a paler yellow-green leaf color. “Cleopatra” has a blurred leaf surface and a milder taste with a hint of mint, and “Hot & Spicy” gives salsas or stews a strong oregano taste. Greek oregano is one of the most famous basic oregano plants, only second only to Italian oregano with its larger leaf size.

As with many Mediterranean herbs, when you grow oregano, you will quickly find that it is fertile. It spreads effortlessly, but rarely reaches more than 18 to 24 inches per plant and constantly produces new leaves.

Plant oregano

Close up of oregano leavesA close up of oregano leaves. Source: anastaz1a

Establishing oregano is actually extremely easy. Let's talk about planting oregano for the best chance of success for the garden.

If you are in an area where the temperature stays above freezing, oregano can grow year round. However, you should plant it in the spring whenever possible, as it has the best chance of establishing itself before the summer heat begins.

Sow indoors 6-10 weeks before the last spring frost date. Use a seed starter tray and barely cover the seeds with a fine seed starter mix. Keep the soil moist and at a temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit. They should germinate in 10-21 days.

As soon as the seedlings emerge, ensure plenty of light. You can put the tray in a sunny window or place it under a grow light that's at least 3 to 4 inches above the plants. Do not aim for more than 16 hours a day. When the seedlings have 3 pairs of leaves and are a few inches tall, place them in a 3 to 4 inch pot size.

When the last frost is over, cure your oregano against the weather outdoors, then plant it in the garden at the same depth that it was planted in the pot. You can also plant oregano in grow bags or other containers instead of directly in the ground or in a raised bed. Make sure your grow bags or pots are at least 10-12 "in diameter and 8-10" deep as this will allow for plenty of space.

Those in the warm southern United States, particularly California or Florida, can also plant oregano during this break between summer and fall. The plant needs to be established in its location and growing happily before cold spells occur. So keep that in mind. Oregano grows best in USDA zones 5-10.

When transplanting your oregano plant, make sure it is not root-bound. Loosen the soil around the roots and untangle any spiral roots. Try to spread the roots out when placing them in the container or bed as this will help the young plant expand and find sources of moisture.

As long as the growing conditions are right, oregano plants can do well both indoors and outdoors. Remember that oregano calls for light and sun. So choose a place where the sun is full or provide a growing light. This is actually a great candidate as an indoor herb garden plant.


Oregano with a reddish stemSome varieties of oregano have reddish stems, others green. Source: S.cindric

While we were talking about planting, we didn't cover how to grow oregano. Let's go over the proper grooming methods for these delicious herbs.

Sun and temperature

How much sun does oregano need? Oregano thrives where the sun shines. It needs full sun for best development because it is a lover of bright conditions. However, if you find yourself in a particularly unforgiving setting, the afternoon shade is a great way to take a break in the hottest part of the day.

The ideal temperature range for your oregano is between 60 and 80 degrees during the day and drops to 50 to 60 degrees at night. It can withstand temperatures well into the 1940s, but is sensitive to frost. Those of us in hot climates should consider a little more shade in the afternoon when temperatures soar to the high 90s.

If your plant may be exposed to frost or frost, provide a cold frame or floating row cover to provide a little protection. In addition, oregano planted in pots is often more susceptible to the cold because the plastic doesn't isolate the roots. Therefore, consider insulation near plastic pots.

Irrigation and humidity

Like most Mediterranean plants, oregano grows in an area that is prone to drought. As such, they are quite drought tolerant plants, but grow quickly when they have a little more water.

In general, it is best to water your oregano deeply and thoroughly rather than having many short watering sessions. Wait until the floor is a little dry again. Use a waterer hose to ensure a slow, dripping watering session at the base of the plant as it will make the soil easier to soak up water and reduce the risk of overwatering.

Your oregano plant doesn't need a particular level of humidity to perform well. It easily tolerates dry or damp conditions. One thing it won't tolerate is constant standing water. So don't leave it in a puddle!

Some suggest that drying the soil almost completely before a big harvest results in a stronger, more aromatic leaf. If you choose to do so, water immediately after harvest so that your plant doesn't get too stressed as it tries to sprout new foliage.


Light, loamy soil is best for oregano, although soil that is slightly sandy is fine. It should be well drained to reduce the risk of various root or stem rot. Adding a little more organic matter like a rich compost should meet most of the plant's nutritional needs.

Soil pH isn't really an issue. Your oregano will work in a range from slightly acidic to slightly alkaline. Aim for a nice neutral range around 6-7 pH and you should be fine. A pH test kit can help you get a good idea of ​​your soil pH.


If you are working in compost at the time of planting, your oregano may not need a lot of fertilizer. But like most plants, it doesn't hurt to feed them occasionally. Try not to go overboard as too much nitrogen can trigger a sudden spurt of growth and many less aromatic leaves.

A balanced granular fertilizer applied once or twice a year should feed your plants adequately. Aim for spring feeding and, if necessary, towards mid to late summer. You shouldn't have to fertilize your oregano garden during fall or winter.


Most pruning can be done through regular harvest. However, if you find that you are not harvesting much, the occasional cut of stems right above a pair of leaf knots should be considered. This will encourage your plant to become more bushy and grow thicker.

If the plant looks long-legged, trim the excess length just above a pair of leaf nodes so that new stems can form from the nodes. Long-legged plants may be looking for additional sunlight. So if something shadows them, it may expand. If your plant is consistently leggy, consider moving it to a sunnier spot.

Try to keep your plant in an area between 12-24 inches tall. Some varieties can grow up to 36 inches, but most stay shorter.


Oregano is usually propagated by seeds or cuttings.

Follow the directions in the planting section above to propagate oregano from seeds. You can also sow seeds directly in the garden when the soil temperature is 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

But let's also talk about how to grow oregano from cuttings. Choose a long and especially healthy stem that is at least 5 inches long. Use sterile pruning shears to loosen them from the plant and remove the leaves from the lower 2/3 of the stem. Dip your stem in water, then in a powdered root hormone, and stick it in prepared potting soil. Tend it the same way you would for plant cuttings until it has taken root.

Harvesting and storing

Oregano in bloomWhen in bloom, oregano is covered in small but pretty flowers. Source: Alma Nac

As you can see, the oregano plant is pretty easy to grow in the garden. But what about the most flavorful part, the harvest and use of your carefully cultivated herbs? Let's explore the best methods to harvest oregano herbs like a pro.


Ideally, wait for your plant to reach around 5 inches in height before starting harvest. While the oregano flowers themselves are edible, most people want these flavorful leaves. These leaves taste best before they go into the flowering stage. During and after flowering, they lose some of their taste for a short time, although they are still completely edible.

Never harvest more than a third of a given oregano plant at a time as this will put stress on the plant. If you plan to grow oregano for drying or storage, it is best to have a few plants so you can postpone the harvest, taking little of any particular plant at a time.

Let's also talk about how to harvest oregano. While you can cut off stems if they get a little long, the easiest way is to pluck leaves as needed. When oregano is harvested, the larger and older leaves are usually harvested first while the smaller leaves reach their full size. Work up from the bottom of the plant to try and encourage a more bushy habit, rather than a sprawling one.


To store fresh oregano, rinse it off and pat the leaves dry. Take a dry paper towel and place the leaves on top in a single layer. Then roll the towel to completely surround the leaves. Put your oregano-filled towel in a plastic bag and store it in the refrigerator for up to three days.

The best taste for fresh oregano is right after harvest, but you can use dried oregano as well. You can hang whole oregano stems in bundles in a cool, dry place, or you can put individual oregano leaves in a dehydrator. In any case, avoid heat whenever possible. If your dehydrator only produces warm air, place your leaves as far away from the heat source as possible so they can cool down on the way to the leaves. Too much heat will reduce the taste of your stored herbs.


Erect oregano growthOregano stems often develop a beautiful, upright habit as the plant grows. Source: cold_penguin1952

Now that you know how to grow oregano, let's talk about some common problems. Although this is a sturdy plant, it can occasionally cause problems!

Growing problems

Most of the oregano is sensitive to frost and frost. While some varieties can tolerate very mild frost conditions, most will not survive winter without some form of winter protection.


Oregano is susceptible to multiple penetrating / sucking pests and lives on stubbornly. However, there are some pests that can cause problems.

Peach aphids can build up under oregano leaves, causing the leaves to warp or turn yellow. Regular use of neem oil has a deterrent effect on these. Insecticidal soaps or pyrethrins can be used to kill sudden outbreaks.

Spider mites also tend to cluster under the leaves. These are a bit more identifiable as they can usually move and secrete a web-like fluff. An insecticidal soap can be used here to eradicate them before they too can cause leaves to be covered with yellow spots.

Western flowering thrips can accumulate on leaves or flowers of the plant. Like the other sucking insects, these can lead to spots and discoloration or distortion of your oregano plants. They can also transmit some diseases to your plants. Insecticidal soap, neem oil, or pyrethrin are effective.

Finally, Cutworms can attack the newly transplanted young plants and cut the stems directly at the bottom line. These usually overwinter in plant debris on the soil surface. While your oregano plants are not their preferred target, they will surely pursue them when no other plants are around. You can place a thick ring of diatomaceous earth at the base of your seedlings or surround them with foil or cardboard at the base to keep cut worms at bay.


Two soil-borne fungal diseases are common with oregano and either of them can cause serious damage or death to your oregano.

Mint rust can spread to your oregano from nearby mint plants. This creates pustules on the underside of the leaves, which can be yellow, orange, or brown. Leaves can discolor and die and fall off the plant. This is difficult to control in a garden bed, but keeping the foliage dry by watering with watering hoses at the base can reduce the spread. Pruning your plants regularly to ensure good airflow will also slow down the spread. Destroy heavily infected plants and use sulfur dust on nearby healthy plants for extra protection.

Finally, Rotted mushroom root caused by Pythium fungi can develop in soils that are consistently wet or excessively moist. Make sure your oregano has well-drained soil to grow in.

frequently asked Questions

Q: Is oregano a yearbook or a perennial?

A: Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is generally a perennial in warmer climates. This member of the mint family can be grown as an annual in colder areas.

Q: Should I soak oregano seeds before planting?

A: No, soaking is not required.

Q: Should I let my oregano bloom?

A: You sure can, especially if you want to try the flowers. Be warned, oregano leaves can lose some of their flavor during and shortly after the flowering process.

The green fingers behind this article:
Lorin Nielsen
Lifelong gardener

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