Mosquitoes ruining your grill? Right here's methods to maintain them away

BBQ this weekend? Mosquitoes could ruin it. So keep them away!

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The smell of ribs, chicken and steak filters the air and your guests will be eager to try the charred food on the grill! All of your favorite music is booming over the party while you sip an ice cold beer. Family and friends enjoy entertainment and summer fun together during a classic summer barbecue in the garden. But year after year mosquitoes dampened the evening by giving each participant a party favor for itchy and painful mosquito bites. Her guests came for ribs falling off bones, not a night of itching and irritated skin. The following tips will help you keep mosquitos out of your home so the grill won't stall if mosquitoes run into you and your BBQ attendees.

Get rid of standing water from your property

Can we tell you a (not quite so) little secret? Mosquitoes bite victims because they need blood to reproduce. As soon as they bite their victim, they lay eggs in stagnant water. Even a tablespoon of stagnant water on your property can attract mosquitos for grilling. Check for stagnant water near the HVAC condenser or AC unit, in flower pots, and other noticeable areas. Moxie Pest Control urges you to immediately inspect the property. Remove standing water from all sources as soon as possible to keep your garden grill free of pests. That way, these airborne pests won't flock to your property in search of their next prey.

Spray garlic on your plants

Vampires aren't the only blood-sucking enemies who dislike garlic. Garlic is known to repel these household pests and keep your guests mosquito bite free. For best results, mix a garlic solution to spray the plants and ward off potential attackers. Unlike other harsh chemical-based pesticides, garlic doesn't kill any of the insects that will benefit your crops, but it still manages to ward off pesky pests, including mosquitos.

Mosquito-repellent plant types

Some plants repel mosquitoes (and other pests) from your backyard BBQ area. Plant a few repellant plants to reduce the occurrence of swarms of mosquitoes that can ruin your barbecue run. Some types of plants that can repel mosquitoes and help keep your group pest free include:

– Citronella

– bee balm

– lavender

– lemongrass

– basil

– catnip

While you will need to expend the time and energy planting and caring for these types of plants, gardening is a fun pastime for all ages. With the right plants, you can keep your property mosquito free. Consider growing one of the above plants or combining the pest repellent properties of several of the above plants.

Apply mosquito repellent

Don't be shy when it is time to put mosquito repellent on your body. Before heading outside for a barbecue, apply a DEET-based (or alternative pesticide) repellent to your skin generously. This thin layer of bug spray on your skin should keep mosquitos away. However, make sure you reapply every few hours to make sure you aren't on the next mosquito meal plan.

Citronella candles

Citronella candles are an easy way to repel mosquitoes without the chemical fumes of harsh mosquito repellants. This type of candle is popular for outdoor events and provides mosquito repellent for hours on end. Buy candles online or from your preferred retailer. While prices can vary, most candles cost less than $ 10 each. After lighting the candle to activate its mosquito-repellent properties, expect varying degrees of success. Make sure a backup plan is available if the candles aren't up to your standards and don't protect your grill attendees from unpleasant bites.

Rosemary and sage

Just as mosquitoes don't like the smell of garlic, they also find the smell of rosemary and sage repulsive. For best results, place a few sprigs of rosemary and sage on the charcoal on the grill. Not only will you keep your home away from mosquitos covered in the scent of rosemary, but you will also enhance the taste of your food with the taste of both spices.

Schedule the grill at the right time

They say time is of the essence, which is very true during a summer barbecue when mosquitoes are about to ruin all the fun. Mosquitoes are like those uninvited guests who never leave, but cause disorder from the moment they arrive at the scene. Defeat mosquitoes in their own game this summer. Choose a time when mosquitoes are less active to avoid the headaches they cause when grilling. It takes a little strategic planning, but is worth the effort when all is said and done. When coordinating the start time of your grill, keep in mind that mosquitoes are most active around dusk and dawn.

Professional mosquito control

If the above remedies don't provide an extra layer of protection, then schedule a professional pest control service to effectively repel mosquitoes. These mosquito treatments are one of many treatments that are offered at relatively affordable costs. Once you've scheduled regular pest control services, local professionals will have the skills, expertise, and treatment knowledge needed to provide customers with great results and a pest free home. When you hire pest control experts, you can enjoy a mosquito-free home all summer long. BBQs make a great family activity for teenagers and large groups of friends whenever the weather permits. Schedule a series of summer barbecues after professional pest control experts eradicate the mosquitoes that settle on your guests.

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