Sensible Brill receives the TRSA Operator Lifetime Achievement award

The Executive Committee of the TRSA Board of Directors recently approved the appointment of Robert Bob Brill, Vice President of Operations at American Textile Maintenance (ATM) in Los Angeles, California, to receive the association's highest honor, the TRSA Operator Lifetime Achievement Award. Brill will receive this award during the annual award ceremony on October 22nd at TRSA's 107th Annual Conference in Alexandria, Virginia.

Brill was introduced to ATM more than 37 years ago on the recommendation of a colleague. Over the years, his strong business acumen has manifested in 12 mergers and acquisitions. He has tremendous organizational design and work management skills that have provided tremendous support to the linen, uniform and facility services industry through his involvement with ATMs, republican master chefs, Medico Healthcare Linen, TRSA and other organizations.

Jim Buik, chairman of TRSA, Roscoe Co., noted that the decision of the executive committee “allows us to express our heartfelt thanks to the TRSA Operator Lifetime Achievement Award for Brill's service to the industry. This is awarded in recognition of the exceptional personal service for our industry and for the associations that serve our industry. "

Brill is a long-standing, active member of TRSA, who has served in many roles, including the board of directors and membership and leadership of committees to support the programs and round tables for TRSA's professional development. He is active on these TRSA committees: government relations, hospitality and strategic planning. Brill regularly attends TRSA events and is a respected, knowledgeable voice on factory tours in North America and overseas. "When Bob takes part in a factory tour, be it at the Healthcare Conference, the Production Summit or the European Tour," said Joseph Ricci, CAE, President and CEO of TRSA: "I spend as much time with him as possible and I keep getting it new insights operation and production. "

Brill was pleasantly surprised by the news and said, “I am very honored and humbled. I never expected to be in this position. I enjoyed my relationships with a lot of good people whom I fortunately met during my time with the TRSA organization. So many people have helped me and shared their knowledge with me unconditionally. They just wanted our industry to get better and grow. I learned that early on and hope that I have done my part to give something back. "

For more information on the TRSA Operator Lifetime Achievement Award and checking previous recipients, go to

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