How you can arrange a barbecue in a small backyard

Having a small garden is both a curse and a blessing. On the one hand, it is easy to maintain and makes it look good even on a small budget. On the other hand, your main limitation is the property, the space you need to work with. Setting up a grill in a small garden is a challenge.

The smaller the yard, the greater the challenge. However, this does not mean that you cannot do this. You can, you just have to be careful.

Plan well – think of everything you need to grill

Planning is probably the most important step in this “small back yard” project. Many people underestimate it just to fail down the street. Depending on the type of grill, some of the things below may not be required. However, you may be the warning sign that you missed. There are many websites with tips to help you plan small gardens. Top Yard Design or Houzz, for example, have sections to make your life easier.

  • Charcoal box / gas bottle – This grill runs on something. Whether it's charcoal or gas, make sure you plan it. It is always best to have them near the grill. If you do it wrong, you may spend more time going to and from the grill than actually grilling.
  • Enough space for all grill utensils – Efficiency is key, but the whole grilling process has to be pleasant and enjoyable. Plan some space for all the grill utensils that you have or want to have near the grill.
  • Space for a garbage can – At first glance, it doesn't seem to be important, but you don't have one near you and you will always have a messy grill.

These may seem silly, but remember you have a small garden. The size is relative, but we assume that you have a really small garden.

Position at least 10 feet from your home

Setting up a grill in a small garden is an even greater challenge for safety reasons. There are flames and then there are materials that can easily catch fire, not a good combination. As a rule of thumb, the grill is best at least 10 feet away from home or from other objects / materials that can catch fire.

In your case, this is probably a luxury. Don't compromise security. A few inches from the fence, a few inches from the wall, and you should be in better shape. Have a … Buffer zone is essential in the worst case. Some sand or stones should do the trick. Since every garden is different, you may need a special solution. Always ask the if question and think about a backup plan.

Set up protection for hanging trees

If someone has told you in the past that you have a cozy garden, it is likely due to plants, hanging trees, or a crowded garden. While you can put most of the stuff away, the trees are there to stay. It wouldn't make sense to take drastic measures just because you want to set up a grill.

A network is usually sufficient to place the hanging branches at a safe distance. Not only does this make grilling safer, it is also easier to keep it clean. As much as we like trees and nature, there are many things that fall down and the last place you want it to fall is on the grill. It can ruin a good piece of steak! This is why most of the grills you come across come with a roof or cover, like a pavilion. These are the things that can make a difference in the long run. However, there are some plants that do not catch fire easily.

Measure twice!

Measure twice, cut once, but we think you should measure as many times as you think to get the job done. It saves you a headache on the street. Also remember to follow the seemingly unimportant tips above. The size of the grill is important, but when you do the measurement, make sure you plan the safety aspects in advance and at least have some comfort in the area. At the end of the day, the barbecue area should be:

  • For sure
  • Functional
  • Comfortable
  • Aesthetically pleasing

Feel free to improvise! That is the nice thing about the exterior design. They have a different taste and what looks nice! After all, you and your family spend most of your time in the grill area.

Get a compact grill

Last but not least is the size of the grill. Of course, it cannot be too big. However, this also means that it won't be that expensive. Since the space is limited, a gas grill makes more sense if you take maintenance and operation into account.

How to set up a barbecue in a small garden - compact grill

On the other hand, we cannot blame you if it is a charcoal grill that you want. We prefer it too! However, if it's a fully custom grill, keep in mind everything we've mentioned so far. As long as not too much "real estate" is needed, there is no need to worry.

sitting area

The only thing we haven't discussed yet is the sitting area. On the other hand, it doesn't really fit the barbecue area. It's not that you can't sit on your patio or inside. As long as the grill is running, it is safe and you can enjoy it while grilling the food. Our job is done!

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