7 prime summer time home renovations

Summer offers the opportunity to make all the necessary improvements in your home. While the word "renovation" has the connotation of needing high prices, this isn't always the case. Not all summer house projects take a lot of money or time to complete.

Here are some ways you can add value to your home this summer without a big budget:

1. Increase your patio game

While wooden decks and patios have long been the traditional port of call thanks to the different types of wood, stains, seals and designs, a new material is becoming increasingly popular. A good way to renovate your exterior is to install a concrete deck. These are usually low-maintenance and much cheaper than more expensive stones. Depending on where you live, contact companies like WarrenCo: Concrete Patios in Indianapolis for price quotes.

2. Give your landscape a spruce

Another common summer renovation project is to make your home more attractive. Take a weekend to focus on this lawn beautification as it can make a big contribution to the visual appeal of your home. Landscaping is often the first to impress potential buyers and visitors with your home. So make a start to make it a good one. First decide whether you want to start this trip yourself or whether you want to hire a local landscape architect. In both cases, a few small additions can make a big contribution to the house value – for example adding an old tree or implementing solar lighting.

3. Improve your appearance

Repainting the exterior of your home is another way to add value to your home. When repainting your home, don't take the color selection lightly. Warm, inviting colors are usually the most popular. If you find it too tedious to paint the entire exterior, you should hire a lead-certified contractor.

4. Replace these windows

Draftsy, old windows are one of the main causes of heat loss in winter. This leads to a cool indoor climate and increased heating costs. One of the safest ways to get the best return on investment is to install windows with two windows. You don't need permission to do this yourself, but it can be helpful to call a professional before cutting a hole in your DIY-style wall.

5. Get a fire pit

Summer is full of days and nights that you spend outside to connect with friends and family. Buying or building a fire pit to add to your garden is a quick way to add some torch – and who doesn't like to cook a few smores from time to time around the campfire? You can build your own fire pit for under $ 75 using concrete tree rings. Your personalized fireplace will keep all your guests entertained for years to come.

7 Top Summer Home Renovations - Fire Pit

6. Update your security

Your home is your fortress and you need to protect it as much as possible. Installing a new and improved security system is one of the best ways to do it. With this addition, you can not only increase your security, but also take out cheaper household insurance (depending on your provider). Home automation functions go hand in hand with modern security systems. You can install security functions that you can monitor with your smartphone, as well as connect other functions of your home to your device (e.g. light switches and stereos).

7. Install a new front door

Your front door actually has a significant impact on your cooling and heating costs. A major source of energy loss in cold and hot months is an old outside door. This is a great renovation option as it is very quick and also makes a big visual difference for your home.

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